Snobby Laddie

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Ryujin: Hey, how you doing?

Lia: Umm, excuse me? You talking to me?

Ryujin: Who else would I be talking to?

Lia: Okay umm....I'm okay..Thanks...
- (After the word I said was about to get finished, she just kissed me surrounding by a lot of applausing students.)

A whole passionate one where both lips have those smacking sounds while our tongue twirling around each other, those wet and soft mouth with a sweet tasty.....

"Kring!!!!!!" "Kablang!"

Lia (Me): Oof, my freaking head! Ouch! My hand!
- (A huge sigh came off while holding my foreheadand and seems like my hand is swollen after I just smashed that alarm clock of mine)

Dad: Rise and shine, princess. Oh, by the way. Ain't that the 11th Alarm Clock that you smashed?

Lia (Me): Sorry dad, I hate getting woke up. Especially when the dream is just getting better.
- (I slowly got my lazy ass up.)

Dad: I guess it is that girl that rode you here that you dreamed off.
- (Chuckles)

Lia (Me): Arrgh! Dad!

Dad: Just kidding, breakfast is here and your mom went out already. Be sure to lock this house before leaving, sweetie.

Lia (Me): Okay, dad. I get it! Get out!

Dad: Hahaha, chop chop.

- As minutes goes by, my dad went out already and here I am getting ready. Also, come to think of it. I think this is the first time that I'm not feeling like I just worked out the whole day after waking up. I mean, every damn time? I feel like I'm always tired whenever I wake up, but before sleeping? Damn it, I'm freaking hyped up!!! Like I just chugged 10 cans of Red Bull or Monster Energy Drink.


- After showering, eating, brushing my teeth and went outside waiting for an available bus. Alas! I have arrived to my destination, and as always I go straight to my locker. Greeting my only friend Chaeryeong along with her other friends which aren't my friends either.

But strangely, Ryujin is just passing by! Oh my.... I feel like I'm about to pass out, I can't breathe. She looks so damn handsome! I don't really know what to do, all I did was smile and wave at her, just smile and wave. But, looks like she didn't noticed me at all or seem like I'm invisible to her now. Geez, so much for expecting to be atleast a slight of friendly response of her. Hays, yep. I thought this would be a new day or anything, and guess what? A lot of students are looking at me like I'm some sort of a slut trying to flirt with her! Damn it! Mind your own shits!

A creepy whisper: Get along with it. I believe she's just too shy to wave back or ayleast respond to you.

Lia (Me): Kyaa! Oh sorry, I thought that I....Sorry, Yeji. I got startled. I didn't mean it.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2021 ⏰

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