Chapter 20

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"Okay! We dropped off your friends what exactly do you mean 'oh hey I'm Maebelle Evans I'm delicate but not?!'" Lloyd said, folding his arms and sitting down on one of the chairs in his apartment.

Beforehand they had quickly and quietly dropped off Emma Heath and Tamara Reid in their rooms at their houses in the Rich District and made sure not to be seen (which luckily they weren't.)

Now, here they are back at Lloyd's apartment, and Lloyd Walker was confused on why Maebelle Evans knows how to work multiple guns, because when they first met she seemed like a harmless doll!

"O-Okay...! Listen, listen...! I don't know why or how long that organization had been stalking me, but it seems like... maybe... ten years-?" The raven haired girl got cut off.

"You've known how to work with guns since you were nine years old and you never said anything!" The male yelled, standing up.

"Well because I didn't think it was important...! I also told you there were things I didn't want to say about myself, that's why I'm not one to pry!" The blue eyed female explained, before looking down at the floor.

He thought for a moment before sighing to himself. Yeah, Mae knew people didn't like talking about certain things, and she also kept things quiet about herself, this must've been one of the things she didn't like saying about herself. "...Hey... do you mind me asking who taught you how to use a gun?"

"Huh?" The young woman looked up at him, surprised.

"You don't have to answer of course. I'm just curious." He said.

"...Um..." she sat down on one of the chairs at the table and he sat down across from her, already knowing it was going to be a long story. "...It was my grandfather... my grandmother Cynthia's husband... My grandfather thought I could be brave and secretly let me use a gun... at age nine..." Her tone of voice went sorrowful and her blue eyes went darker, and Lloyd noticed.

Ah... don't tell me... Lloyd thought, but he felt like he could already tell the end of the narrative before she continued.

"From age nine to age ten my grandfather was pretty much the only person I got along with... my grandfather had these dart boards on trees... since he didn't trust me shooting an actual living thing." The raven haired female let out a small, weak laugh. "He would teach me what I was doing correctly and incorrectly... Most of the time I did it correctly..." she gave the light green eyed male a weak smile. "But right before I turned ten... the last time I saw my grandfather alive..." Mae tilted her head upwards a little, trying to keep her tears in. "He got attacked by a wild animal... and... I wanted to try and help... but... I didn't want the bullet to hit my grandfather... my grandfather... he died... I couldn't do anything, I couldn't even move, that's why the animal didn't come towards me...!" The female said, and it seems just the memory of that day made her upset again.

"I killed him..." The dark haired young woman cried. "I killed my grandfather...! And my parents were furious...! With how I wasn't their fragile daughter for that one year and with how I murdered him...!"

" didn't kill him...! It was an animal!" The white haired male said. "If you did anything, you probably would've died too!"

"Lloyd...! It was me...! I'm no delicate person! I have blood on my hands...!" The blue eyed girl said, covering her mouth, tears streaming her face.

I guess that doll... one that breaks if you touch it... finally broke... He thought. "Mae... did anyone else find out?" He asked. She shrugged, wiping the tears from her face.

"I don't know... I was only nine... however if anyone did, it's probably covered up by now..." She said, "The Poor District will always be blamed for the Rich District's mistakes... I'm sorry..."

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