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"Allen!" Lavi called that white haired boy's name from down the hall. Lavi ran up to Allen and wrapped his arm around the back of Allens neck. Allen lunged forward but then regained his balance.

"Lavi" Allen said a little flustered from the sudden attack. Lavi just smiled. Allen turned to scold Lavi but that smile made his heart race. Allen quickly turned away trying to regain his composure.

"What did you need Lavi?" Allen asked.

"Didn't ya hear, Koumi called us down ta his office for a debriefing on a new mission." Lavi replied.

"I didn't know you were going to be on this mission." Allen said a little shocked, it had been ages since they teamed up and gone on a mission. Allen usually ended up going on missions with Kanda and they always ended with Kanda chasing after Allen with his Mugen.

Lavi let go off Allen and put his arms behind his head, "I mean if ya don't want me to go with ya I can ask for a reassignment" Lavi said, kind of hurt.

"No, no, no. I didn't mean it like that." Allen said and turned to Lavi. "We just haven't been on any missions together lately."

"Oooooooo ok," Lavi smiled. "We'll come on, I don't want Koumi ta release Sir Komlin if we're late."

They began to quicken their pace to the research department. As soon as they entered Koumi's office they heard him laughing. Allen and Lavi looked at each other nervously.

"Welcome!" Koumi said with a giant smile on his face and a gleam in his eye.

"Hiya." Lavi said nervously. "What cha so happy about?"

Allen tensed a little at the memory of Sir Komlin coming after him. That squid head.

"Someone just gave me snapshots of my precious Lenalee!!" Koumi belted, waving the pictures in the air swaying with glee. Allen and Lavi just sighed. Then Lenalee appeared and hit Koumi on the head with her tray.

"Sorry about that guys." She smiled innocently as she apologized for her older brother's idiocy. "So are you ready to be briefed on the mission?"
Allen and Lavi both nodded as they mentally prepared themselves for the mission. Lenalee continued, "we have received information that there are akuma circling the city of Lumina located in the mountains. We sent finders to check out the situation but have yet to hear anything back from them."

"You are to check out the situation and either confirm the sighting of innocence or deny it. If there is innocence you are to acquire it and bring it back to headquarters. " Koumi cut in in his serious tone.

"Any questions?" Lenalee asked. Allen and Lavi shook their heads heads no.

"Alright, off you go." Koumi said.
Lavi and Allen walked out the door and then separated to go get some things for the journey ahead.

"I'll catch you at the tunnel" Lavi called. Lavi was excited to go on a mission with Allen. Like Allen said, it had been ages. He had missed Allen.

Twenty minutes passed and the both met up at the tunnel to begin there journey to Lumina.

Daybreak: Laven (Lavi x Allen)Where stories live. Discover now