Part 1

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Lavi waved to Allen as he boarded the ship so they could get to the town in order to board the train. Allen smiled then ran up to the other and got on.

"Looks like gramps isn't taggin along." Lavi said as the boat departed from the dock.

"It's been such a long time since we've gone a mission together." Allen said as he started petting Timcanpy that just floated to his lap.

"I know it's been like forever bean sprout." Lavi said with a giant smile.

"The name is Allen." The white haired male said glaring at the red head. Lavi raised his hands in defense and laughed nervously.

Soon the boat ride had finished and the two walked through the town in order to board the next train to Lumia. Once there Lavi and Allen were escorted by the finder, Carter, to the cabin they would be resting in as the train traveled to the town. Once the two exorcists were in the cabin Carter stood watch outside. The train started to move and head course to Lumia where a battle would await Allen and Lavi.

During the trip Lavi would talk and Allen would listen intently to the red heads every word. Allen would stare out the window and Lavi would stare at the other. Allen would sleep and Lavi would draw in his face for laughs. The cycle continued for hours.

"Hey Al, what do ya think of the people in the Order?" Lavi asked out of curiosity.

"Uh, I think of them as my precious friends and family." Allen said a little caught off guard from the question. "Why do you ask?"

Lavi didn't hear Allen's following question. He stared at the window and thought about friends and family. As a Bookman Lavi was denied all of that. But yet when he was with this white haired boy he felt something different. He sighed and tried to make sense of everything.

"Lavi. Lavi!" Allen repeated trying to get the red heads attention.

"Oh sorry did ya say somethin?" Lavi said jumped a little as he came back to reality from his thoughts.

Allen sighed not surprised at Lavi's reaction. "I had asked why you asked how I feel about the people in the Order." He stated.

"Ooooo sorry lost in thought. I wanted to know if ya had your eye set on anyone." He said bluntly.

Allen's face blushed and he looked down to his hands. "Ummm, I do have someone." Allen said nervously.

Lavi's interest was peaked. "Oh really?" He leaned forward. "Who would that be?" He asked leaning forward trying to urge the other to tell him.

Allen looked up and his face was red. "It's-"

In that moment Carter opened the door. "Master exorcist we have arrived." Allen sighed in relief and Lavi's curiosity was still peaked. But the questions would have to wait for another time. The two gathered their things and followed Carter to start their mission in Lumia.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2015 ⏰

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