Hot & Cold

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I haven't seen B all day long, I was hoping he was in the dorm. It was -3 degrees today, he must be a Popsicle by now.
I ran all the way down the hallway passing everyone else's rooms. Bromine and Barium, no.
Iron and Carbon, no.
Neon and Beryllium, found it.
I unlocked and opened the tall but narrow doorway, and there he was.
Beryllium, or B for short, was huddled in a corner, wrapped up like a burrito in blankets and my favorite sweatshirt. His face was buried into an astrophysics book, his thin rimmed glasses slowly falling off his face. He looked up at me and a wide smile appeared on his face.
"Neon! You're home!" He got up, and I could have sworn he was wearing 10 layers. He ran to me and wrapped his small but long arms around my torso.
I hugged back tightly, shutting my eyes. He was cold, very cold.
"How are you sunshine?" I asked, he loves it when I call him that.
His smile got wider, "I'm great now that you're here!" He got on his toes and puckered his lips, asking for a kiss.
I gave him what he wanted and lightly placed my lips on his giving him a short sweet kiss and pulled away.
He buried his face into my chest and I caressed his short soft hair.
"You don't have to leave again, do you?" His smile faded and he looked up at me.
"Nope! It's you, me, and this movie." I held up his favorite movie, Wall-E.
His smile was wider than ever before. He grabbed it out of my hand and rushed over to the living part of our dorm and popped it into the DVR. He flung his small body onto our worn out couch and patted the spot next to him.
I jumped in next to him and he crawled into my lap and snuggled into my chest. He was warming up.
"Thank you, Neon." He said to me.
"For what sunshine?" I smiled at the name.
"Being here with me, being mine. I love you." His smile got even wider.
"I wouldn't want to be with anyone else, I love you so much."

Neon and Beryllium One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now