Potato Movie Night

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AN: Hey, guys! I hope that you like this story. I'm going to be doing a bunch of little clips of what I think the Potato life is like and stuff like that. I might write a story sometime if I can fit one more book plot into my brain. I have about four more running around in there. Btw, I love this fanart. I didn't make it, but shoutout to the artist! Anyway, this is my very first fanfic, so comment below on how you like it. Enjoy and ciao!!

"Shah, I swear. If you skip back to "How Far I'll Go" one more time-"

"Relax, Brynne," said Aru. "That was only four rounds!"

"Yes, but why?" Aiden asked.

"Because," Aru gave them a sly smile. "It's crabulous!"

Everyone groaned while Aru threw back her head and cackled wildly. 

"Why are you like this, Shah?" Aiden whined.

Aru gave him an evil grin and turned back to the screen where Moana was playing.

It was Saturday night in the Museum of Ancient Indian Art and Culture's dome theater. The space was usually used for documentaries and the occasional conference, but the Potatoes used it from time to time watching movies. But tonight it had taken them an hour to choose what to watch (the official record!) only for Aru to take advantage of her authority and skip back to all of the songs and replay them over and over and over

"Next week, we're going to my house." Brynne groaned as Aru started singing along.

"Hey, it was you're idea!" Aru shot back. 

"I didn't think you would skip around so much! We might as well just let Rudy control the remote."

Rudy turned his head to look at Brynne from a few rows down. "Why do I feel like that's an insult? I'll have you remember that I'm a-"

"WE KNOW, RUDY." Everyone yelled.

"Just making sure you remembered. Also, what is a coconut?" Rudy asked. Mini sighed loudly from next to him.

"Ruuuudyyy. You own a beach house. How could you possibly not know what a coconut is?"

"The servants are the ones that cook, not me! Is it like that other kind of food that you put in trail mix?"

"You mean almonds?" asked Mini.


"Kind of. Except you don't eat coconuts. You drink milk from them."

Rudy looked shocked and slightly disturbed. "You mean milk doesn't come from the cow?"

Mini blinked and pushed her glasses further up her nose. "Yes, but it-"

There came a big "SHHHHH!" from the rows above.

There was quiet in the room for a few more minutes as they watched Moana discover the hidden cave of her ancestors (AN: lol I'm just moana fangirling here!). At the part where Moana's grandmother dies, Aiden looked over at Aru, shocked to see tears streaming down her face.

"Shah, are you crying?"

Aru glared and punched him in the shoulder. "It's not my fault that my face doesn't react well to this scene."

Aiden stifled a laugh as Brynne and the others started snickering next to him while Aru made a big show of wiping her eyes like she was in a Bollywood movie.

Ten minutes later, everyone was asleep. Well, everyone except for Aiden. He scanned the room, seeing if anyone was awake and his eyes snagged on Aru, who was sighing softly in her sleep next to him. Her thick eyelashes fluttered every couple of minutes in time to her breath.  As she was sleeping, a hair blew onto her face. 

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