Tuck eats Kyle...again

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At the beach...

It's been 1 hour and 11 minutes after Kyle got shrunken down to Tiny Size. He and Tuck are at the beach staring at the water. Kyle was sitting on the sand with Tuck next to him.

Kyle FKZF: I can't believe I got shrunken down.

Tuck: I have that power.

Kyle FKZF: Yeah. Everything I see in my sight is big. Including you.

Tuck: (Yawn) I'm gonna go to sleep, be careful around here.

Kyle FKZF: Okay, I'll try not to get squashed.

Tuck lays down and falls asleep.

Kyle FKZF: Mmm... Not sure what to do when I'm tiny.

Kyle FKZF: Maybe I'll sleep with him.

Kyle climbed up onto Tuck's fluffy tummy.

Kyle FKZF: Oooo. His tummy is very soft.

Kyle lays down and falls asleep, he was sleeping on Tuck's fluffy belly.

4 minutes later...

Kyle and Tuck were still sleeping, Kyle woke up and stands up. He was standing on Tuck's belly.

Kyle FKZF: I suspected I'd do this one day with Tuck.

But then, Tuck's stomach growled with Kyle on it.

Kyle FKZF: Oh my god. That tickles me!

Kyle walked across Tuck's fluffy belly and saw that Tuck had his mouth open and he looked inside.

Kyle FKZF: Ah! That's bad breath!

But then, Kyle saw something washing ashore.

Kyle FKZF: Hey, What's that?

Kyle got off of Tuck's stomach and walked towards the water.

Kyle FKZF: Oh jeez, if I step in the water too far, I might drown.

Kyle walked into the water and it was touching half of his body and tried to grab the object, but it disappeared.

Kyle FKZF: That's weird.

But when Kyle walked further into the water, he started drowning.

Kyle FKZF: (Cough) Tuck! Tuck!

Tuck woke up and saw Kyle drowning.

Tuck: (Gasp)

Kyle FKZF: Tuck! Save me-

Kyle sank underwater.

Tuck: Kyle! No!

Tuck stepped into the water touching half his legs and he licked Kyle up out of the water and ate him.

Tuck: Perhaps the inside of my mouth can wake him up.

Tuck had Kyle laying on his tongue for 2 minutes and he started to gain back consciousness.

Kyle FKZF: (Cough x2) Tuck? Am I inside your mouth?

Tuck: Yeah, Are you okay?

Kyle FKZF: I'm all wet, and I'm pretty sure I'm not feeling well.

Tuck: Hold on Kyle, I'll bring you to Ella.

Kyle FKZF: Do bring me to her.

Tuck starts running to the Lookout while carrying Kyle inside his mouth.

The End.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2021 ⏰

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Tuck eats Kyle...againWhere stories live. Discover now