Favourite Thing About You.

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Harley the fact that no matter what she does what crazy scheme she has like making a peep show of frog in your bathroom. Or kidding a crocodile or bring riddler over to beat the everloving shit out of him you will always stand by her side

It your willingness to learn. You didn't know Jack about plants before you dated but her and Harley. Now your always talking to Ivy looking for ways to improve the Garden and filled flower pots you started. No matter when or where you will always ready to learn

Jessica cruz

For Jessica it's the moment of bliss where your all just in each other company. And you just sit there enjoying the calm and non chaotic moment with you. She has a great book in her hand. You are sitting midlessly playing with her hair as you just enjoy your company with each other

She enjoy the fact you are also the defender of your home. And like her you understand the bourdon it takes on a person. She enjoys the fact someone will finally understand her strengths and struggles

Diana loves your shy and embarrassed moments. IT remind her that mans world isn't all bad. There some good here too

It's you will. You like Barbara are disabled. But you don't let the define you. You define you

It's how good you are with kids. You are so patient and understand she now understands the human term of "baby fever. Becuse watching a man treat kids with respect is amazing for her

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