Chapter 1

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Alex's P.O.V.

Me and the rest of the Winx were exhausted from training in the simulator specifically Chris who was being way too dramatic. "I'm tired," Chris groaned. "We all are Chris we don't need your dramatic imput," Techna said. "Well sorry Tech if I have a dramatic personality," Chris said. I chuckled and sat down next to the sprawled out Chris. "Alex please make a drink for me," Chris said. I made him a drink and floated it to him. Chris took it and sipped it like a child. I chuckled again. A phone starting ringing and Aisha took out her phone. She answered and it and a holographic Tressa appeared. "Hey Tressa," Aisha said. "Cousin Aisha the oceans of Andros need the Winx's help," Tressa said. "Tritanus?" Aisha asked. Tressa nodded. "Not surprised," Chris said. I pat Chris' head to calm him down a bit. "We're on our way," Aisha said. She hung up. "I'm gonna stay behind this time so I can rest," Chris said. "You're coming Chris we need all the help we can get," Aisha said. "Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine," Chris groaned. We all stood up and shouted "Magic Winx Sirenix,".

We arrived in the waters of Andros because of my magic. "Thanks for the help getting here Alex," Chris said his hair turning red with black streaks. "You're welcome," I said my hair turning white with purple streaks. "Now let's find Tritanus," Aisha said. We started swimming looking for signs of Tritanus. Chris looked tired. 'Maybe we should've let Chris stay behind' I thought. I swam next to Chris helping him to keep up with the rest of the Winx. "Thanks Alex," Chris said. "You're welcome Chris," I said. "Can you 2 stop flirting and start looking for Tritanus," Aisha said. "Aisha be nice they're just 2 boys in love," Stella said. I then noticed Chris was swinning in the wrong direction. "CHRIS!" I shouted. Chris looked up and saw that he was swimming in the wrong direction. He swam back over. "Sorry sorry i'm tired," Chris said. "I'm gonna take Chris back to Alfea girls you can take care of this," I said.

I used a spell to go back to Alfea and me and Chris changed back. I laid Chris on the couch and let him rest. "G-night Chris," I said.

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