Chapter 2

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Chris' P.O.V.

I woke up on the couch in the Common Room in the dorms and said "What happened?". "Well you feel asleep and I brought you back here so you could rest," I heard Alex say. I sat up. "So what did you dream about?" Alex asked. I flashbacked to my dream and blushed a bit. "I-I can't remember," I said blushing. "Okay," Alex said. It looked like Alex was practicing a few things with his magic. "Watcha doin'?" I asked. "I'm somewhat altering my portal spell to make a spying spell," Alex said. "Okay," I said getting off the couch. I made a few jester bells and jingled them. Alex chuckled since my bells are magical and make whoever hears them laugh. "You really know how to make me laugh buddy," Alex said. "Well I am the fairy of jokes," I said. Alex chuckled.

There were crashes outside and I looked out the window. "Um Alex," I said. "What?" Alex asked. "The Trix are in the courtyard blowing stuff up," I said. "Okay let's do this," Alex said. He got up and we went out onto the balcony. "Magic Winx Sirenix," Me and Alex shouted in unison. We transformed and we flew up to give the Trix a beat down. "Essence Bolt," Alex shouted. Alex's spell hit Darcy. "Jester's Seige," I said. My spell hit Stormy. "Nice try fairies," Icy said "Blizzard,". Icy hit Alex causing him to fall. "ALEX! No one hurts my best friend," I exclaimed "JEST OF SIRENIX!". My spell hit all 3 Trix at the same time sending them flying. I flew down to Alex. "Alex. Alex are you alright?" I said worried. Alex groaned and sat up. "What happened?" He asked. "You were hit with one of Icy's spells but I stopped her and Darcy and Stormy with my Sirenix Special Spell," I explained. "You discovered your Sirenix Special Spell?" Alex asked. "Yeah the Jest of Sirenix," I said. "That's great," Alex said hugging me. I hugged back.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2021 ⏰

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