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call me a gold-digger but i love money.

buying new things makes me happy.

our society revolves around it,

yet majority of us have none.

ironic isn't it.

how we

rumble the world to get some

like a druggie on rebound.

it's as if we're obsessed.

i know i am.

money calls to me,

how alcohol calls my washed up cousin.

why do i crave wealth?

is it because i want a lot of stuff?

or is it because i know it'll make me happy.

happy? is it real happiness?

or am i programmed to believe so?

we waste money on minuscule items,

yet we never get enough.

if there was rehab for money,

i'd go.

i'll never be clean though,

walking out of stores,

the corners of my mouth high.

happy happy happy!

or am i?

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