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"do i have to go?" i asked for probably the 100th time this day. my younger sister, grace, rolled her eyes, groaning. i did this little dance where i moved my legs side to side and swung my arms around, laughing.

"yes you do. i bought your ticket and it's not like i can go by myself, i have to be 18+ just to get into the arena without an adult" grace said, partly annoyed. i did a mocking laugh and pointed her in a way say, 'haha i'm older and can do more things than you!'

"fine, fine. just let me go get dressed and then we can go load up the car" i walked away, up to my room. i opened up the door and jumped on the bed letting out a loud sigh. planes aren't my favorite things.

lately, grace has been obsessing over this one band, 5 seconds of summer. so one day, just out of the blue, she comes downstairs and tells us all that she bought tickets to meet them, or something like that. she also went and bought two plane tickets, planning a head to take me with her. without asking me first.

i said yes of course, not because i wanted to go see that band, but because it was basically a free trip to california (except for the fact that i have to pay for the hotel and everything else.) when she told us, mom flipped and she started asking why grace didn't ask first or where she got all the money from — probably from me for paying her to keep quiet when i come home late all those times.

it took a lot of convincing to do, but we finally got mom to agree to letting us go. so here i am now, laying on my bed face down with two big suitcases full of everything i will need for the next week. then the sound of my phone alarm going off telling me that it was time to go.

- - - -

once grace and i said our goodbyes to mom and boarded the plane, i pulled out my headphones, placing them both in my ears to drown out the sound of my sister talking nonstop about this luke hemmings kid. but when i heard her stop and tap on my shoulder, i was slightly confused. so i took out my earbuds and turned to grace to see what she wanted.

"jade, he's in the band! the band we're going to meet!" grace half whispered, half cheered. i looked over my right shoulder to see who or what she was talking about but i didn't have to look far.

sitting next to me was the one asian guy. i began to laugh to myself, remembering how mad grace gets whenever i call him that. "grace, it's the asian one" i whispered to her. grace snapped her head up at me and squinted.

"he's not asian!" she, this time, kind of yelled, "and can we trade seats?" i shook my head no because he would most likely not want some 13 year old bothering him for an 8 hour flight. plus he was kind of cute, and when do you ever happen to sit next to a cute guy on a plane?

i looked over my shoulder at him again, this time met by a face staring back. "oh i'm sorry, i didn't mean to be staring" the boy laughed as his cheeks began to light up.

"it's fine" i smiled, hoping that it would but the boy at an ease a bit, "i have one question though?"

"yeah?" he said, looking up from his lap.

"which one are you?" i asked and i could literally hear grace face-palm herself.

the boy looked over my shoulder at grace whose face was bright read and laughed again, "i'm calum, calum hood."

((okay new update here: yes i'm sorry the asian joke old but this writing is also pretty old, and also, i am working on an update so look out for that soon!)) - jordyn

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