Discovery (or, ......oh fuck.)

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Warning! This chapter contains spoilers for the first Iron Man movie. You have been warned.


It was about two weeks since Tony had found Loki. Slowly, the god was healing. At least, phsyically. He could get up and walk around for short periods of time, but he mainly stayed in his room. He also didn't bring up the kiss. Kisses. Whatever. Tony was exceadingly glad about that.

Tony was sitting in his living room, drinking a gin and tonic and watching a star wars movie, when the door opened and Hawkeye and the Black Widow walked in. "Sir, Hawkeye and Black Widow have returned." JARVIS said. "A little late JARVIS, a little late." Tony said, rolling his eyes, and turning to face the spies. "Hey lovebirds. Welcome back." he drawled. Natasha rolled her eyes, and Clint chuckled. "Hey Tony." The archer walked over and sat down next to the other man, grabbing a glass from the bar as he passed, and filling it with rum. Natasha sat down on a bar stool, pouring herself a shot of vodka. "Sure, just help yourselves to my liquer." Tony said, shooting them a glare. Natasha just smiled sweetly.

"So did we miss anything interesting?" Clint asked, taking a sip of his drink. "Interesting?" Tony replied, trying not to sound nervous. It would be very very bad if eithor of the spies were to learn of Loki's presense in the Tower. Not only would they tell Fury, but he had no dout that Clint would not hesitate to put an arrow through the god's eye socket. "How did the mission go? Did ya kick some bad guy ass for me?" Tony asked, eager to change the topic. Clint grinned. "It went well. A total success." Natasha gave a small smile, and nodded in agreement. "Fury didn't give us much info before we started, so-" Natasha cut her partner off as she pulled out her guns, "Stark, what is he doing here?!" Tony and Clint spun around, Clint grabbing his bow off the floor, to see......Loki standing in the doorway, a look of confusion and fear crossing his face. The only thought that crossed Tony's mind at that moment was, '.......oh fuck.'

In an instent, both Clint and Natasha were on their feet, weapons aimed at the ingured god. "What," Clint growled, "are you doing here Loki?" "Eh he he, funny story." Tony said, jumping between the angry assasins and the god. "Tony, what are you doing!?" Clint yelled. "Stopping you from touching my stuff. You know I hate it when people touch my stuff." Tony replied. "Move Stark." Natasha's voice was calm, and threatened all sorts of pain if he didn't do as she said. Tony stood his ground. "I'm sorry guys, I can't let you kill him." "Why the fuck not!?" "He's an internationel criminel Stark!" "And he's hurt. He's been tortured. I'm not going to let you hurt him."

You could cut the tension in the room with a knife. Nobody moved. Then, Tony took a step forwards. "Ok.....Why don't you guys put the weapons down, Loki goes back upstairs, and I explain everything." Natasha didn't look convinced. "How do we know he won't try to escape?" Tony rolled his eyes. "Some how, I dout he could but if it makes you happy I will get JARVIS to open a video feed so we can see him while we talk." There was silence. "Fine." Natasha said. Before she could change her mind, Tony scooped Loki up in his arms (in his weakend state, the god was light enough for him to carry) and ran to the elevator.

When they reached the bedroom, Tony placed Loki down on the bed. The god scowled at him. "There was no need to carry me." Tony rolled his eyes, "How about you cut the crap and just thank me for saving your skin, again." Loki said nothing. Tony sighed and walked back to the door. "I could leave," Loki said, "If I wanted to." Tony stopped and looked back at him and chuckled. "Sure Reindeer Games. Tell yourself that if it makes you happy." He walked out of the room.

Back downstairs, Tony found two very pissed assasins waiting for him. Never a good thing. They said nothing as he sat down across from them and instructed JARVIS to open a video feed from Loki's room so that they could see him. As soon as that was done, Clint metaphorically jumped on him. "Why the fuck is he here Tony!?!" he shouted. "Look, I found his basically dying in the rain! I couldn't just leave him there Clint!" Tony said. "Yes, you could have!" Clint growled. Tony glared at the other man. "No, I couldn't have." He looked down. "I know what it's like to be as low as you can go, ingured, and scared. I had someone who looked past by past wrong doings and gave me another chance. I can help Loki. I will help Loki. If you don't like it, leave." Clint was about to say something else, when Natasha walked in front of him and put a hand on his arm. "Clint." He looked at he. After a second, she looked over at Tony. "One year. One year and then we will tell Fury. If he doesn't figure out sooner. And if we believe that Loki is becomeing a threat, we will put a stop to him. Even if we have to go through you." Tony nodded. "Fine. Now if you'll exscuse me." He turned and strode out of the room. "JARVIS, close the video feed."

Up in his room, Loki sat on the large bed, staring at his arms. They were still covered in bandages. The burns were taking longer to heal then Bannner had expected. He sill couldn't figure out why, or what had caused him. But Loki knew. They were from the toxic, acid venom of the snakes Odin, his father, Loki spat at the word, had fastened to the ceiling of his cell on Asgard. The snakes had been position so most of the venom would land in and around his eyes, but whenever they moved, the poison sprayed. He didn't remeber much after the first two weeks, but he was pretty sure he remember the sting of a whip once or twice as well. He wrapped his arms around his body. "Are you ok?" A voice asked. Tony Stark. Loki gave a hollow laugh. "I'm fine Stark. Now leave me be." He heard the man's footsteps and felt the bed shift as Tony sat down behind him. "No. I don't think you're alright. In fact, I know you're not. You're broken. I can see it." Loki spun around, anger flashing in his green eyes. "You know nothing mortal! NOTHING!" Tony gave a sad smile. "That's where you're wrong. I know exactly what you are going through. Because of this." He tapped the center of his chest, producing a hollow sound. Seeing Loki's confused, and still angry, looked, he pulled off his shirt, reveiling the arc reactor.

Loki's eyes widened at the sight of the glowing blue circle embedded in the billionaire's chest. "What magic is this?" he asked, trying hard to not to sound interested. Tony took a slightly shaky breath. he had only ever told Pepper the story, and not in very much depth. Now he was about to tell the worlds most wanted super-villian. "A few years back, well, I wasn't the same as am now. I wasn't Iron Man for one. And my company was different. I designed, created, and sold weapons. In particulair, weapons of mass destruction." He sighed, rubbing his forehead. "I was in Afganistan, showing my newest creation, the Jericho missile, to the army. On the road, we was attacked by terrorists. I managed to get away from the car, but one of my own missiles went off right next to me. When I woke up, I was in a cave with shrapnel in my chest trying to get to my heart and a magnet attached to a generator keeping it out. I met a man named Yinsen. He told me where I was. We were both prisoners of a terrorist group that was know as the Ten Rings. They were going to kill me, but then they realized who I was. They decided that I would be more usefull alive." He gave an empty chuckle. "The leader offered me freedom, that is, if I agreed to make a Jericho missile for them. I had basically hit my low by then. It was then I realized just how many people I had been indirectly killing over the years. But Yinsen kept me going. There was no way I was ever going to make a missile of that power for the Ten Rings, but we came up with a plan. Together, Yinsen and I made this," Tony tapped his chest again, "and a basic protoype of what would become the Iron Man armor. And it worked....almost. I managed to esscape." he fell silent.

Loki looked at him, interested, "And Yinsen?" "He," Tony's breath caught in his throat, "They realized something was wrong to soon. The suit wasn't finished charging yet. Yinsen...told me he would create a diversion. I couldn't stop him. They killed him." There was silence. "There's more." Loki said. Tony looked at him. "What?" "There's more. You're just not telling me." Tony chuckled, "You caught me. Yeah, there's more, but it's not important right now. What I'm trying to say is, I know what it's like to be broken, to feel like there is no way you can keep going. I had Yinsen to help me get back on my feet. You, you don't have anyone." He looked the god in the eyes. "So I'm going to help you."


Kinda short, I guess, but it seemed like a good place to stop. Hope you enjoyed!

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