the truth and how aly gona react

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So guys doent get offended its all imaginary any thing can happend so

Truth continue

So docter test her and found that she is suffering from cancer but its is not conform becouse they had to done test at that time she is leaving for big boss for connection week she she doesn't test and she go for bb house for connection week after then when she came then ilham and danish bhi came and she doesn't get time becouse she doesn't want another to take stress this thik was in between jas micky and doctor and at last when aly came out when they go shoping doctor call her for test and jas thik that if it is true that shen is suffering from cancer shen gona tell aly but she doesn't want to break him.

Now back to story

A   jj bolage tu yasa kyu bat karrahe hai

J   aare kuch nahi wo mera dhyan khanaa par thana tyo isleya yasa huwa

A   jasmin tu mujsa jhut bolrahe hai(worried)

J   aare sachme ma kyu jhut bolunge

A   tyo kha mare kasam

Jas control is breaking by that but she is not going to tell him the truth becouse its not sure.

Somhow she decide to take fake kasam of aly but her heart doesn't all her at last she  take the fake kasam of he's and say

J   muja tare kasam kuch nahi huwa hai

Her heart feel like a sharp neadel is pinching her when she take his fake kasam

But aly got relif at that time becouse he know she doest take his fake kasam

Back to story

A   aacha thik hai par kuch ho tyo pless bata deya muja tu yack dam thek and haste huwee chaya samje

Jas smile weekly and say

J   humm

And they sleep jas is in facing wall she is crying silently she make sure aly doesn't weakup after some hour she also fell a sleep

next day they are going jammu

In morning

Aly wakeup first and see jas is not their he think she is in washroom and he also go towards washroom

A    jasmin jj tu ander hai kya

No respond

And he check the door its open and he think she is in leaving are whith other and he get fresh 
Aly come in living area where rahul disha ilham and danish bhai is sitting when aly doesn't saw jasmin he asked ilham

A   ilham jasmin kidhar hai

I   aare wo kaharahe te micki ko kuch kam thaa aaru uska kuch kapde lanaa thaa tyo wo aapna ghar gaye hai

A   aare muja bhi bata deyate mai vi chala jatna sathme

D   aare majnu jayada mat kar aagayage

A   hai par fir bhi

Aly is not getting positive vibe today

A   patanahi muja aaj kuch aacha nahi lagraha

R   hai kyu ki tare laila nahi hana esleya

A   nahi yrr rahul muja kuch aajib sa lagraha hai patanahi jaasa kuch hoga aaj bohot negative vibe aarahe hai

Its been 2 hour jas doesn't come home aly is playing whith danin and rahul and disha also left for their house only danish bhai and ilham is their whith aly after playing with danin he done his work and almost after 1 hour
Aly get a call from jas hous ....

So guys get ready for emotional chapter ....

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