Bleach Saga: "Mystery Girl" (fanmade) -Introduction-

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     So hey guys! It's me xD but I'm trying to do something different. Writing an anime, which isn't pouplar here. As you know if your a fan of Bleach, which I recommend you to watch, after Ichigo defeted Aizen he lost his soul reaper powers. Then he came up against people called Fullbrings. He learned how to be one and shortly regained his soul repear powers again. This Saga takes place a month after. So here is a quick "bulrb" about it. Don't want to give you too much infromation or spoilers.

So ichigo and his "gang " sort of xD, Rukia, Orihme, Renjee, and the quincy dude, Uruio, find a disturbance in a forest near Ichigo's house. They missed what happened but soon find a  girl laying on the floor sleeping. She looks exactly like a human, but who is she, they wonder? SO I hope you get to read it all! You'll love it. <3. 

P.S I'll be sure to add a recap for people who don't know about bleach, in the saga. :)

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