Convincing board members

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Mr. Jin - "I can tell that you have a solution with you."

Y/n - "Yes sir."
I said in a happy tone.

Mr. Jin gestured me to sit in front of him. I did as he said.

Y/n - "I came up with an fantastic idea by which you can take your time off from the company and also your younger brother can join the firm."

Mr. Jin - " I knew it that you are the perfect person who can come up with the solution, now tell me the solution so I can quickly go to the legal Advisors and convince them."

Y/n - " Yes Sir.... so here's the thing if you give your power of attorney to your younger brother the board members won't accept it so the thing you have to do is give your powers to your brother and then appoint someone senior who has a pretty good experience of how to manage all things. And that particular person will stick with your brother at work and can guide your brother for the things he is not sure about. By this way you can convince your dad I mean Mr Kim and also other Board members. By doing this you can have your break and also your brother can learn things and about the safety measures you can appoint someone trustworthy from our firm so that you will be at ease. And one more point that you can present in front of Mr Kim and other Board members is that tell them you will help your brother out whenever needed and do a pact that all the final decisions can only be made by you and Mr Kim that way the other Board members can't go against your decision and also they will also know that all work related important things are safe.... So how does that sounds?"

Mr. Jin - "Oh my God miss y/n you are fantastic. You really are something Miss.

He said with a big smile and I can see how his whole body is relaxed after hearing my solution. Great work girl I'm proud of you.

Y/n - "Thankyou sir. But hurry and talk to the advisors and explain your points so they can help you with convincing the board members."

Mr. Jin - "Yes, I'll quickly connect with the advisors so before the end of the day I can have a board meeting. So I'll see you after talking to the advisors and one more thing. Get ready for your pay raise you really worked hard Miss y/n."

Mr. Jin said and left the cabin leaving me alone.

"Am I dreaming!! I just got a pay raise for giving a solution ! Oh my goodness. You deserve it girl you really used your brain for this solution. Good work."

I said to myself and made my way to my cubical. I was so happy that anyone can tell looking at my face that something good happened to me. I started searching for Lisa because I really need to tell her about everything that happened. But I can't really see her here, In fact I hardly see anyone here. Then I realized that it's lunch break and everyone must be enjoying their lunch in cafeteria or somewhere. So I fished my phone to call Lisa and ask her where she is and she was in cafeteria. I told her to meet me somewhere outside because I want to tell her everything that happened today and that won't be possible to tell her in the office itself so we decided to meet at a Cafe.

Time skip (At Cafe )

Lisa - "What's the big secret that you can't tell me in the office cafeteria?"

Y/n - "Well it's a big secret about Mr. Jin and I don't want to spread it in the office while telling you. You know we have lots of people eavesdropping at us.

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