Chapter: Escape

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Dream woke up, to the sound of a loud noise. He turned around and saw Technoblade on the floor, sleeping peacefully. He had forgotten that Technoblade was here too. A couple of weeks ago, Quackity had tricked Techno into visiting Dream. However, Techno didn't seem to mind being in prison. In fact, he kinda liked it. Especially since there were potatoes.

Dream smiled as he looked at Techno sleeping peacefully. It wasn't unusual to see Dream smile but this smile was....sincere. Dream decided to go and write in one of his books. As he looks for an empty book, his eyes fell on one of the books. He picked it up and started to read, he closed his eyes and start to recall the days when it was just him, George, and Sapnap, no war, no egg, and no prison.

As Dream starts to recall, he could hear a voice, it didn't sound like Technoblade. He opened his eyes but he was no longer in Prison, he was standing in a castle but it wasn't one of those fairy-tale castles, it was dark and gloomy. As he walked around, he started to hear the voice again but it wasn't alone anymore. He could hear other voices too.

"Are you sure he is coming?" Asked one of them. It looked like a boy, he looked similar to Dream except he was in red.

"Yes, I know he definitely heard me." Answered the other guy, he looked like a half-human and half-dragon.

Dream stumbled backward to the realization that the other wasn't a human. There was a loud thump when Dream hit the ground. The other two guys along with another one turned around at the sound. The three guys teleported to Dream side.

Dream started to move against the corner of the room. The shadows of the other people loomed darkly on him. Suddenly, a smile widens on their faces.

"Hi, I'm Nightmare," Said the red guy, with his hand, reached out.

"And I'm Lucid," Said the guy who was half-human and half-dragon.

" I believe you have already meet me. I gave you a bell," said the  third guy.

Dream was frustrated at the mention of the stupid bell but decided to introduce himself anyways. " I'm-" Dream began but he was cut off. Everything around him was fading, he started hearing someone yell his name over and over. Just before Dream was back in the prison, Dream XD told him that they knew who he was and they will meet again soon.

Dream suddenly was back in the prison, looking straight at Technoblade's face.

"Dude, I've been trying to call you for the last ten minute. Awsamdude is online. How much obsidian have you mined?" Asked Techno, who was a bit annoyed that dream had been ignoring him.

"I broken like three pieces," replied Dream.

"What!? How!?"

"Hey, one, I'm literary punching OBSIDIAN with my bare fist and with mining fatigue. Number two, we both would have been out of here if you hadn't wished for a Da- Stupid BELL!" Dream exclaimed super loudly. Techno could have gotten them out of here a long time ago but he wished for a STUPID BELL!

"It was a great wish!" Techno said, offend by that Dream could could not understand the importance of the bell.

Dream and Techno decided to continue the argument later since Awsamdude was coming to check on them. Dream and Techno waited for the lava to slowly go down while Techno complained for the second time about how slow the lava is. Sam looked across the open area to make sure Dream and Techno was still imprison and then left.

After Sam left, Dream wondered if he should tell techno what happened in his vision or not. On one hand, he could have a buddy or at least, a partner but what if Techno doesn't believe him. Techno noticed that Dream was acting a bit strange today so he asked him what was wrong. Dream looked up and smiled saying nothing was wrong but Techno knew he was lying. However, Techno decided not to continue asking.

<<Dream's pov >>

After the lava fell back down I stared at Techno and he stared. I mean, there was much we could do in the prison. Sam had taken my clock a long time ago and I wasn't in the mood to write. Eventually, Techno looked away and started to ring the bell. I hated that bell.

I decided to think about the vision I had this morning. What did it mean, was something coming? I couldn't stop thinking about it.

We didn't do much for the rest of the day, we talked and then went to sleep. When I finally fell asleep, my mind drifted and I was back at the castle. I walked hoping to find one of them and saw Nightmare. I walked over to him to say hi.

"Hi Nightmare, do you know where the others are?" I asked Nightmare.

"Hi, yeah I was just about to head there," Nightmare replied as he started to walk down one of the hallways. "You should follow, you might get lost."

I nodded and followed him down the hallway and another and another until we finally reached the room. From inside the room, I could hear two people talking.

"Hi, hope I'm not interrupting anything," I said as I walked in. I took a look around, there were papers on the floor and table.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2022 ⏰

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