Forbidden Candy

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Max was not feeling well. A white foam had formed and escaped his mouth hole as he seemed to choke on his own words.

Sam was standing by his side, patting his shoulder.

"It's okay little buddy," the huge cuddly dog mouthed, pulling him into a hug.
Max dramatically spat the piece of candy he had in his mouth out on the carpet with a disgusted bawling.

"Those monsters! Those little-"
"Cmon, it can't have been that bad."
Max grabbed Sam by the collar of his shirt and looked him dead in the eye.

The larger male felt slightly uncomfortable since the two of them recently had discussed the meaning behind personal space and why Sam needed so much of it.
These actions told him that Max had forgotten about it which was expected.

"Sam. Look at me. They handed me licorice fudge."
The two of them fell silent for a while as they let those two sinful words sink in.
Licorice fudge.

Max was not a fussy eater. He would eat the nastiest stuff out there and that includes Bosco's forbidden sausage rolls, but.

When it came to any type of licorice he would straight up and refuse to eat it.

"I think they are going to take me out, Sam."
"Who is going to take you out?"
The rabbit dramatically climbed into his strong husband's arms while the dog was making an effort to protect him.

"The teenagers, Sam. Think about it,"
The dog blinked and sighed softly.

It was late October and the two of them had stolen some candy from a group of youngsters.

Sam found it easier to gain candy that way and Max found it funnier.

"They want to see me dead after what happened. It only makes sense."

Sam nodded gradually, approving this conspiracy.
It didn't take Max very long to forget about it though.
Thank the Lord for his short-time memory.

Max went on to change the volume on the television, poke his belly button, lick his finger, start a fire in the kitchen by struggling to pop some popcorn, and somehow managing to make it worse by splashing water over the microwave.

After all of that fuzz, the two of them sat down and watched a ripoff of bugs bunny on the TV.
Sam was relaxing with his legs spread and an arm on the armrest while the other went on the seat between him and Max.

Max was enjoying the poor quality of the show, throwing a glance at Sam to catch his reaction now and again.

Sam caught him in the act a few times which caused a bunch of giggles to form from both parts.

The brown-furred dog was enjoying the moment as it was rare seeing his significant other so calm and truly satisfied.

Sam took this opportunity to place a paw over his husband's, resulting in the rabbit looking up at the dog.

The two drowned in each other's eyes, utterly recharged with love and fondness for the other.

Max was the first to make a move by clambering into Sam's lap, straddling him with a flirty attitude.
The dog leaned back with a not so impressed look.

"Let's get nasty!"
"I don't know, Max. You know what happened last time we tangoed on the sofa. It took weeks to clean it up."

"Who said we have to do it here?"
Sam turned into a question mark as he was trying to figure out what his boyfriend had in mind.

In the past, he had always wanted it to be done on the sofa for whatever reason. Maybe because of the adult movies he had taken part in? The leather sofa seemed to be his favorite place to get things done.

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