Prologue: A Mechanical World

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In the year 2050, humanity has started to develop a new type of technology. After decades of trial and error, we finally managed to the make first of the Mobile Exoskeleton Charioteer Handled Automaton. Otherwise known as M.E.C.H.A. Nowadays 119 years later, these Mechas are being used by all of the world as government equipment. To prevent any catastrophes, the world leaders all signed a set of rules known as the Mecha Accords. Enter Patrick Hotchwell: The latest elected president of the United States of America. After he was elected as president, he abandoned all the values and promises he made to the public and initiated Marshall Law which he used to give himself complete reign over the US. Now the British joins forces with the Russians in an attempt to return democracy to US.


"Goddamnit!" Said a man in an army uniform.

"Calm down, General. I'm sure we can still do something."

The General gave him a look. "Calm down? Calm Down!? For god's sake, Eliah! Every time we send our soldiers, we lose them all! We don't mass produce enough Mechas, and to make it worse, we're low on soldiers too! If it wasn't for Operator Alice and her Mecha, I would be kicking you in the face right now!"

"I know things aren't great at the moment, but we gotta have faith. If we are doing the right thing, then God will help us." Replied Eliah.

"Now is not the time for religion. But if somehow, our solution comes running at us right now, then I'll start worshipping Jesus." The General mocked.


The door opened with a slam surprising both men. There stood a man dressed in formal clothes, with a briefcase.

"Sorry about that. I'm Milo. Nice to meet you. The Queen is asking for your presence. Apparently, she and the Russian President have some people who might turn the war around."

Eliah laughed. "Well General? Let's go to Her Majesty. You can worship Jesus later."

"Tsk." The General said as they walked to the Queen.


The Queen was in her room, having a nice cup of tea with the Russian president, W I D E P U T I N, when the doors opened.

"You called for us, Your Majesty?" Asked Eliah. He never got used to how fancy and old-fashioned the Queen's room is. Gold intricate swivels were seen at the corners of the tea room. The chairs, cushioned with leather, carved by hand. Then his stare ended up at Putin. Still as wide as ever, of course.

The Queen nodded. "That, I did. Please have a seat. This is Vladmir Putin, Putin this is Eliah Temper, and General Edward Lambingston." The Queen introduced them.

"Pleased to meet you, President" Eliah said.

"Likewise" Putin replied.

"Anyways, who are these people who can win this war?" Edward asked.

Putin smirked. "Straightforward. I like that. Well we have three people and-"

"Three people?" Eliah interjected.

"Yes. And they will be enough. Anyways, as I was saying, one of these people has already agreed to aid us. He's just next door." The Queen said.

Suddenly, the door opens and a young girl enters the room.

Suddenly, the door opens and a young girl enters the room

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