More Than This | Regulus Black |

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Anonymous asked:

Heya so I saw that your requests were open so I wanted to see if you would like to write a regulus x fem reader where they have a sort of friends with benefits situation but regulus gets sick of it and they have a heated argument where they both say they wanna date like very angrily yelling, love your writing hope u have a good day ❤

Regulus sat down in his seat on the Slytherin table, he had just picked up his fork when he saw something that made him lose his appetite. Y/n L/n was sitting on the table her legs wrapped around Barty Crouch's waist as they whispered and giggled. Regulus scoffed dropping his fork.

The next day after classes, as he was walking towards the common room someone caught up with him. And Y/n took his hand pulling him to her as placed kisses down his neck. Regulus stiffened up, which made Y/n stop. She let go of his hand and looked at him. "What was that?" she asked and Regulus resumed walking "What was what?" he simply asked. "You know what I mean, what's with the flinching?" She asked also walking "I didn't flinch," Regulus said not looking at her. "Yeah, you did, you stiffened up. What are you trying to do? Playing hard to get?" Y/n said annoyance clearly laced in his tone. Regulus scoffed "Of course you would know, after all, you have kissed enough guys to know just what a guy is thinking." This was it Regulus took her hand shoving the both of them inside the nearest broom closet. "What is up with you today?" she asked prying her hand away as Regulus closed the door and crossing her arm "You tell me," Regulus said crossing his arms too. Y/n tried to wrack her brain trying to find the reason "I don't know" she said after a while glaring at him. "Y/n what are we?" Regulus said this time his tone was different no longer sarcastic or mocking but genuine. "We are nothing," she said and it hurt her to say it but it was the truth. "Of course, you coming running to me telling me you want me whenever you want and then hold hands and say sweet things to someone else," Regulus yelled. "What do you want to do? This is what it was supposed to be, wasn't it? This is what you agreed to; no strings" Y/n said running her hand through her hair. Regulus knew she was right he looked back down at his feet. "I waited you know- all along for you to say something to tell me to stop seeing those boys. To tell me that you wanted more than this. But you never did" Y/n said softly. Those words hit him hard, they were true "I do- I have always wanted more than this." He finally admitted.

Y/n had so not expected this answer her shock was displayed well on her face, "What-you" She sputtered but then she pulled herself together and smiled. And Regulus loved that smile it was highly contagious so he couldn't help but smile back. "Alright, I guess I'll go and tell Barty." She said placing her hand on the door handle "Wait" Regulus said and gently took his hand and then placed her other hand on his cheek and he kissed her, it was different from all those times they had kissed. This was gentle, honest, and loving filled with fireworks and they melted in it. Oh, he could so get used to this

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