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He was late. Well, not really according to his date. 

This was the nth time his friend, Singto has set him up on a date. These dates never work and New doubts this one will. It would be a miracle if it did. Singto also promised him that this would be his last date because it appears moving on from his first love is an impossible feat for New.

This time, his date was very understanding and patient, not to mention attractive. His hair was pushed back and his inner shirt tucked, with an oversized coat draped over his shoulders.

The first half-hour was not awkward between him and his date, who introduced himself as Off Jumpol. Off was easy to talk to, and he understood New's sarcasm, which was a different case with New's previous dates.
“By the way, I apologize on behalf of Singto. He's desperate to find me a potential partner. I hope he didn't threaten you.” New said this while slicing his steak in half.

Off simply chuckled, finding it endearing. “It's okay, I wanted it as well." There was a short silence before the guy continued "Let’s make this night interesting, let's take turns asking questions to get to know each other” 

New happily nodded. His smile curled upward until there were crinkles in the corners of his eyes. He hadn't smiled like that in a long time, and he owed it to Off.

They had a good time taking turns asking strange questions. Every question turned into banter, and people were staring at them because they argued so loudly about trivial matters like ice cream flavors.

“All right, my turn,” Off looked around, thinking of a question when his gaze was drawn to New's left hand on top of the table. He zoned in on the old-looking red thread wound around his ring finger.

New noticed the curious gaze. He tilted his head, signaling Off to should continue or ask the question that was on his mind. He has an inkling what his date will possibly ask him.

“Why do you have a red thread wrapped around your ring finger?”

This was a foregone conclusion for New. Off took his date's silence as a sign that he was probably uncomfortable about the subject. He was about to tell New that it was okay not to respond if it made him uncomfortable, but New had already begun speaking.

“I've had a red string wrapped around my finger for the past ten years.” New smiled, but sadness was visible in his eyes, and his mind flashed back to memories as he admired the red thread.

He turned to face Off and exhaled a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. “You should consider yourself lucky that I am entrusting you with this.” He laughed. “It's going to be a long night if I am to answer your question.”


10 years ago

“Mr. Techaapaikhun, as a punishment for your outrageous behavior, you have been assigned to clean the school pool for a month.”

New's eyes widened as he looked at the prefect in front of him. It wasn't because he was assigned to clean the pool. He had, in fact, been punished to clean worse places like the school toilet back in high school

He is incensed because he had been tasked with cleaning it for a month. A month!!!!! His previous sentences lasted a week, with the longest lasting two weeks. 

College is hectic on its own. He absolutely could not take a month’s worth of punishment.

“But, sir! I can't afford to miss classes for a month!” New complained to the skinny tall man in front of him.

“Smoking on school grounds and burning-”

“-accidentally burning, sir”

The prefect just raised his brow as he continued talking.

“-burning my arms with that death stick is unacceptable”

New remained quiet, he knows nothing he says would be convincing enough to reduce his sentence. 

It all started when New went to a secluded area of their university to smoke. He was stressed because it had only been two months since school began and his professors demanded so many requirements that he needed to take a break. His break involved smoking. The nicotine helps to shave off some of his stress. 

His anxiety was instead elevated when he was apprehended by the school's prefect. The prefect coughed to get New's attention, and New, who was taken aback had inadvertently thrown the stick to the man. It caught him right in the arm.

He was on his way to the school pool, which was a large open area next to the field where swimmers were preparing for a regional competition. He approached the coach and informed him that he was in charge of cleaning the pool.

“We’ll be finished in 30 minutes max. After that, you can clean the pool.”

30 minutes turned into an hour, and more 30 minutes because the athletes were taking too long to finish up. 

Once the area was empty, New started cleaning in peace.

As he had heard, that was the last training to be held in the school pool. The athletes will begin practicing at the city sports complex tomorrow, and New thanked the gods for a peaceful punishment and less dirt to clean out of the pool.

as the thread stays, i stay | taynew, offnewWhere stories live. Discover now