Drinks and swings

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"Boss Wan, here have another glass!" one of the coworkers from GHQ said, pouring Wan Huan another glass. Wan Huan tried to stop the drunken son from pouring him more wine but it seemed futile. Giving in, he gulped down the wine, feeling the burning taste in his throat.

"Thank you but that's enough," he told the drunken guy who was beet red from intoxication. "Boss Wan, just one more glass. One only," he nagged, raising one finger. Wan Huan was already on his limit. One more glass and he wouldn't be any better from the guy in front of him. Strange thing is, Wan Huan could drink seven bottles of wine without losing his mind but now, three glasses were enough to get him wasted.

Not even full glasses filled to the tip but three quarter filled glasses in addition!

Holding one's glass was one of the few things that could be mounted as pride among these business workaholics. Getting wasted was like bringing disgraceful humiliation to one's self, tainting one's reputation like black toffee. Seven years ago, Cai Zhen lost face after getting drunk. Not only did he blabber black jackets but he spent the night in a hotel room with ten women. The next morning the news were all over the globe. A plague of Ru's downfall hit him, sending him down to the muddles. Up until now no one knew where he wondered off to after his business' unexpected downfall.

The drunken man was eventually pulled away by his colleagues and apologized for their brazen friend's behavior on his behalf. Wan Huan just waved them off in his tipsy state.

"Tell us more about Boss Wan!" a woman shouted.

"Everyday Huan'er always wear a white rabbit sweat shirt!" Gu Wannian shouted in a drunken tone.

"Impossible! Tell us how many!"

"Fifty three in his closet!"

"How come we never knew!"

"Come near," Gu Wannian said, waving them closer drunkenly. The drunken men and women encircled Gu Wannian as though preparing to tackle the ball in a rugby match. Gu Wannian whispered something that only the people surrounding him could hear. They all broke into boisterous laughter.

"Boss Wan, we never knew you were this cute and soft in the inside!" another woman shouted, laughing her lungs out. The other people accompanied her, some rolling on the floor.

"Every time I saw Boss Wan I would  change ways as though a plague of Pragas but from now on we shall bow to each other and dine on the same table!"

Fools meeting fools bring havoc! Wan Huan cursed Gu Wannian for his blabber mouth. How could he say that in front of all these people?! That was between the two of them. Never had he ever spouted nonsense about his weird fetish he had in middle school. A cross dresser. A bloody cross dresser!But look at that Judas. Shamelessly spouting of his fetish as though he forgot that there was still tomorrow. High chances were of him disappearing before midnight.

Wan Huan drunkenly stood up from his seat, leaving one hundred yen for his drinks. Wobbling towards the exit for fresh air he collided into a hard, broad chest. "Man, what are you? A weight lifter?" he asked unintentionally.
'My mouth is no longer my own. What am I saying! My grandson forgive this old woman, okay? I will compensate for harassing you.'

The harassed male looked down on Wan Huan critically, ridiculing him for groping him.

"Off," he said indifferently to Wan Huan,who tilted his head to one side to get a clear view of the cold latter's face but his own vision was blurry. "Young brother, don't be so cold. We're both men, so don't act like I groped your fills," Wan Huan stated, chuckling on the word 'fills'. The other latter just glared down on him ,wishing the perverted alien nothing but a lethiferous death. 

The bile in Wan Huan's abdomen rose to his throat. Fighting back the urge to vomit, Wan Huan's efforts were puny rabbit efforts against a hungry wolf. The liquid he had been fighting to hold back, erupted from his mouth like larva, bathing the other person's suit before losing the strength in his legs.

Expecting the hard ground to meet him, Wan Huan was meet by something warm and comfortable. With a small smile on his face, the darkness took him.

"B-Boss Wang!" the scared voice of Xi Xinyi's shouted when she saw Wang Huxuan supporting an unconscious yet elegant figure in his arms. Xi Xinyi who was secretly a boy's love fan girl(fujoshi) was fighting back a nosebleed.

'Cold prince and cold prince resulting in iceberg family. Eighty nine percent is that their relationship will muster up to a full three hundred and sixty degrees. The eleven percent will happen if one of them or the both of them choose to ignore the relationship or to get married! Which I cannot leave to happen! It's wrong building ships with people who are not supposed to be but the strings of fate from the ' old man under the moon',Yue Lou says it all!'

Xi Xinyi suppressed a squeal as she got closer to the yet-to-be couple. "Boss, what should we do with Mr Wan?" she asked him. 'Boss, just take him to your villa.'

Wang Huxuan looked around in the bar and caught sight of two familiar faces, Feng Lou and Gu Wannian. Living them with Wan Huan was like leaving a six year old to take care of a one year old. Gu Wannian was on a table imbibing more wine while Feng Lou was dancing like a lunatic. Wang Huxuan looked back at the person in his arms and inwardly sighed.

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