The sacrifices we make

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Requested by SageNinjaMorro

Warning: Angst. Also a bit of a gore warning I believe.
Takes place in TCW

Henry: How could you live with yourself knowing you could've done something?!


Both leaders in the battlefield stood still. The man shed tears as the woman's anger had died down. They were both alone, no one could hear them at this very moment.

Henry: I couldn't live with myself Ells! This isn't even the first time we met!

Ellie lowers her weapon as Henry seems to also lower his ground.

Henry: You have abilities....abilities that....make you me....You can make things float....
I can control stupid and messed up is that?!

Henry shed more tears, but his look made him a bit psychopathic.

Henry: And how stupid and selfish would it be for me to not use it to save you Ells?! I was protecting you! Protecting Charles! You both died, the last two times before this! What choice did I have?!

Henry lowered his gun and fell to his knees.

Henry:.....What choice did I have......

Ellie looked at the former leader in pity as he silently weeped. They stayed there for a long time, Ellie seemingly to make a decision sighed as she lifted the gun and pointed it to his head.

Henry looked at the woman, she knew, even if he told the truth, Ellie's thirst for revenge would be stronger, especially since they haven't been together long enough in this timeline. He looked at her with blank eyes....then peacefully smiled as a gunshot was heard.

Henry lay limp in the ground. Blood pouring out of his head.

Ellie sighed before she spoke.

Ellie:  That would be a reasonable explanation Henry....but not everyone would believe a sad sob least your suffering has ended

She threw the gun and proceeded to walk away.

Ellie: Though....if what you say is true....if we really WERE friends....

You wouldn't come back...


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