Dear diary

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Taylor/ y/n pov

Dear diary
I'm Taylor I don't really know what to write I told syd that I would do this with her to prove a point or something. I'll tell you about myself I have a shit father named Bill who from time to time hits me. Syd knows this. We choose not to talk about fathers. We kinda just sit back and watch the drama unfold like.... Mean girls. Syd has this habit of not identifying her feelings like how she has this major crush on Dina but of course her being her she has no idea. But being a good friend and a decent
person I'll let her figure it out on her own. Lately though I've been feeling sadder than usual I don't really know maybe it's that fact that Syd has been hanging out with dina more it makes me feel less important or I'm just being over dramatic again I don't know. I'm not miss popular I have never been since I moved here me, syd, and dina all moved here around the same time so we kinda just fell to be friends other wise I wouldn't have had the balls to talk to anybody and me and syd or dina I guess wouldn't be friends. But I never really took the change to get to know dina so i wouldn't consider ourselves friends we just hang out with Syd together from time to time. I'm tired so...


Intro how did y'all like it it's a short one but I will be trying to post more you have no idea how long I have had this in my drafts so tell me if you like it if you don't here 🚪 it's for you

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