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I would like to preface that i wrote half of these when i was like 11 so don't come for me:

As she was busy working, the professor  caught a glimpse of her satchel through the corner of her eye. Though it may look small it contained the answer to almost everything in existence. When she  was thrown through centuries, she never expected to become the single thing saving earth. Reaching her hand in to her  satchel she began searching and scanning for answers as to why the Earth was going to disappear into Oblivion.

As of right now she was running out of time, she only had 4 of the crystals and was tracking above molten lava. She was coming to grasps that she only had a few minutes to save the world and as of right now it seems she never will. Millions across the world were watching the live broadcast of her bravery. The human race was depending on her,but could they ?

The short answer. No. After decades of psychological trauma she went through at the hands of others, she didn't want to save those who made her lose herself. She was done, done with the pain human existence came with and with that she threw the crystals in the lava and she followed.

And that was it, her perfect victory, she had won,all her bullies left to suffer the aftermath of this eruption knowing that her, the girl they had teased and taunted years ago was the only person that could save them and their families, save everything they loved.

As the lava swept the world they were all left to think her bullies,  parents, siblings, peers, teachers, employers, boyfriend, coworkers watched as she ended the world knowing they were the reason for it, had they been nicer or allowed her to live a fear free life the world would not be deteriorating before their eyes

The world came to demise at the hands of Shayla Moore but Shayla Moore came to demise at the hands of the world

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2022 ⏰

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