Meeting Maruis

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You were walking down the street to go fund Vyn at the museum. When you got there you saw a man with blue-ish hair.

"He's kinda cute" you whisper to yourself blushing. "Who's that Vyn?" You ask confused.

"Oh that's right I haven't introduced him to you" He says sighing. "This is Marius" He says
Motioning towards him.

"Hey" Marius says looking you straight in the eye.

"Hey" You squeak.

"That's y/n" Vyn says looking at you.

You look down blushing. He looks down at you confused.

"Are you ok?" He asks tilted his head to the side.

"Yeah!" You say looking up quickly. He laughs.

"You are a strange person y/n" he says laughing.

Vyn checks his watch. "Oh I'm late for my tutoring session see you later Y/n" he says walking to his car.

"Bye" you wave at him.

"I'm hungry" He says looking through his wallet. "Do you want something to eat?" he asks smiling.

"You don't have to do that Marius" you blush

"But I want to" he says grabbing your arm.

"I know a great place to eat" he says laughing

"Hey my arm!" You yell.

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