Chapter One

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Tw: very well written story, so so sad

Tomathy was very very sad in his very very cramped orphanage room. He wasn't hungry so decided to sleep instead, but he couldn't sleep because there were two other orphans outside his door screaming about if m&ms taste different per color (they don't) so banged his head against the wall instead.

A very very ugly worker burst into his room and said calmly, "DRESS YOUR BEST IDIOT YOU'RE FINALLY GETTING SOMEONE WHO WANTS TO ADOPT YOU!!!!!!!!!!" very calmly she slammed the door leaving tomathy very confused but then decided to not get dressed or brush his hair because it just is like that sometimes, and headed downstairs.

"Took you long enough 🙄🙄" said the same ugly lady sweetly and she totally wasn't angy whatttt nooooo, and showed Tomathy to a room that had a very very ugly old man innit. He was then shoved into the room with the elderly man (who probably participated in bingo nights)

The elderly man started talking about some random stuff nobody cares about (he's those parents that show off his kids at any given opportunity, very very good) Tomathy not even trying to pay attention because nobody ever would pay attention. did I mention that nobody would ever pay attention? yeah also nobody asked and nobody pays attention.

Tomathys thoughts of how boring this old man is was interrupted by the elder asking if the little baby boy child gremlin raccoon thing wanted to be adopted, which tomathy impulsively said "olay body wash" (child slang for "ok")

I'M SO SORRY THE CHAPTER WAS SO SHORT!!! actually I'm not sorry at all suck it up loser I don't care whatsoever. By the way, if you haven't figured it out already this is a very serious book so if you laugh I will personally find you(:
(anyways yeah this is a joke please don't take this seriously hahaaaaaaaaa don't cancel me on Twitter dot com)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2021 ⏰

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