Chapter three

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As Amy found herself tired after one scene and then do another one just as this is her third time. It was just the Battle of Hogwarts, David had called her and Daniel for the scene of finding the horcux.


Elena didn't hesitate a moment and continued up the stairs. She caught a glimpse of Harry's silhouette making way through the area and pressed on. A few people ran into her in all their panic, but everyone was too wrapped up in their own world to realize what was happening around them. 

Finally, Elena made it to the landing where she had more room, but she lost sight of Harry. As she looked around, she tried her best to normalize her breathing, to focus on anything but the steady fear rising in her stomach. Her eyes stung, her hands began to shake, and she continued to look for Harry to no avail. She looked over her shoulder to Ginny, Neville, and Dean, who seemed to be holding their own as best they could. The war raged on outside and the castle began to crumble more and more with each curse thrown.

Elena wanted to believe that everyone would be alright, but she knew better. There were probably already countless dead, and there was no telling how many more there would be, and if Dumbledore had just listened to Snape all those years ago and did away with her like he suggested none of that would be happening. "Ellie!" The sound of Harry's voice tore her away from her thoughts and she found he was right beside her, latching onto her arm tightly.  She threw her arms around him and hugged him close, and for a moment, it was as if everything would be alright.

However, reality was quick to set back in and Elena remembered that her classmates were in trouble and she and Harry did not have much time. They needed to get as far away from the main entrance as they possibly could, and quickly, and they still had a Horcrux to find. Harry grabbed her hand. "Come on!" Then, together, they started off, careful to keep hold of each other so they wouldn't get separated again.

Once they made it away from the epicenter of chaos, there was only the occasional person racing through the halls, typically in the other direction Elena and Harry were heading. "I talked to the Grey Lady," Harry explained. "She told me to check in the place where everything is hidden, that I need to only ask!" 

"The Room of Requirement!" Elena exclaimed. "Then once we find it, there's only one more! And destroying them?" 

"Ron and Hermione went to the chamber, they're going to try to get a basilisk fang so that we can destroy them like we did in second year." 

"That's brilliant!" Just as she said it, the walls around them began to collapse. They were showered in stone and dust, just barely avoiding the bulk of it before they escaped the hallway and stood just before the very place they were headed. Harry looked over at Elena, still holding onto her hand tightly. "Ready?" He asked.  "Ready," She looked ahead at the wall. For a moment, nothing happened. But then, the wall seemed to melt away into an intricate door.

They stepped through and found they were in a very different room than the one when they first arrived. Piles and piles of trinkets that stretched up to the ceiling lay haphazardly about the space and created a makeshift pathway for them to follow. "We're meant to find a tiara in this?" Elena's voice seemed to be swallowed up by the vacant space around her. It would take hours to search the room, and they did not have that kind of time. "You'll know, won't you? When we're close?" 

"I hope," Harry answered. They picked a path then started down it, following the unpredictable twist and turns of the junk collected there over the years. Elena kept her eyes open for anything small and shining, but Harry was walking so quickly through the aisles that she hardly had a chance to look. She could tell he was beginning to grow anxious with the possibility of never finding what they were looking for. 

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