Chapter 1

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Rachel's POV
I sat at my desk, waiting for the bell to ring and 6th period to end. It had been a long boring day at school, and I couldn't wait for it to be over. My sister Ashley and I were "sleeping" over at Christine's house and we were walking there after school. I was supposed to be reading some boring thing in my history text book, but I already read it really fast. I looked at my watch. It was 2:57 and we got out at 3:00. I pretended to be reading, and made a list of things to do at Christine's house in my head.
1. Make ice cream soup (at midnight)
2. Act like a girly girl and put on a lot of makeup and talk about who we like and do our nails and stuff like that.
3.Play tag
4.Go on the trampoline
5. Not sleep
RIIIINNNNNGGG! The bell rang and interrupted my thoughts. I grabbed my books and ran as fast as I could to my locker. Ashley's locker was next to mine so she was there a few seconds after me. We opened our lockers and slowly put away what we didn't need and got out what we did need. I glanced at Ashley's locker, then looked back to mine. My locker was a pile of all my stuff, and hers is a nicely decorated locker with everything organized. She had alway been neater than me. My room is messier than hers, but not by much. I grabbed everything and Ashley and I went to get Christine. Knowing her, she'd just be sitting there by her locker laughing at something that wasn't even funny. Either that or hiding from someone who was bleeding. When we got to her locker, as expected, she was laughing at a butterfly. When we were in sixth grade the three of us had a sleepover. We were watching anime and a butterfly landed on a leaf, and Christine started laughing uncontrollably. We all laughed because Christine was laughing, and to this day nobody has any idea why Christine laughs so much.
"Remember that time in sixth grade......" I start to laugh, and Ashley burst into laughter. We all remembered.
"I told the others that we'd climb the tree after school with them." said Christine. We were all still little kids at heart. I had a feeling that in college Ashley would be that one person who is like, "Who wants to play tag with me?" And I'd be that person who would do it. So we went over to the big tree, the one that was tall and the branches started low so it was really fun to climb. Kristen, Cass, and Ella were already there. After a few minutes everyone else showed up. First came Katy and Sadie, then Luna, then Brianna, then Ariel, then Alissa.
"Are we even gonna all fit in the tree? I mean sure it is big but there are twelve of us." I say.
"Well we'll just go up one at a time. We'll be fine." said Cassandra.
"I'll go first." I say.
"Okay I will go after you." said Ashley.
The rest of what they said about the order I didn't hear. As I climbed, I saw people following me up. After about ten minutes I yelled down to them, "How big is this tree!"
"I don't know but I want to go all the way to the top." I heard Ella say.
"Okay!" I called back.
We climbed for I don't know how much longer. I looked down and saw that we were really high up.
"Wow we are really high up." I said. Everyone looked down to see that I was right, we were really high.
"We should probably get down now!" Yelled Ariel.
"No way we're almost there!" I yelled back. No matter how high we were, we were really close to the top and I wasn't stoping until I got there. I climbed a little longer and reached the top. I realized that I just went through a low cloud that was around the tree. I reached out to touch it even though I knew that it was just like fog. To my surprise, it was solid. I hit it hard and it was still solid.
"Hey guys! This cloud is solid!"
Ashley touched it too. "She's right guys." She said.
"Should I climb on it?" I say
"What if you fall?" Katy said.
"Well I touched and it was solid so why shouldn't I be able to stand on it?" I decided to go whether they wanted me to or not. The branches stuck out below me and I would grab onto it if I fell. Or someone would catch me. I'd done stupider thing in my life. So I pulled myself up and stood upon the clouds. "I'm standing on a cloud!" I yelled. Ashley tried to climb up and fell!
"Ahhhhhh!" Screamed Ashley. Kristen grabbed her hand and pulled her up. "Yay you're okay!" I don't know what I'd do without her. We were not actual sisters; we were both adopted. At first we were at a really bad orphanage. Then we ran away. We got found by a new orphanage, and then someone wanted to adopt just me. I wouldn't go without her and eventually someone adopted both of us.
We all climbed up safely and stood on the cloud. We looked around and found ourselves in the middle of a village.
Hi! This is my first book and it probably has a lot of mistakes so I would appreciate it if you point them out. I would like to give shout outs to Sabrina_Thompson and BreeTannerrr for helping me come up with story ideas.

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