_ Three _

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It seemed that Dream was having a war in his eyes. Daggers at Techno who only had a sly smile. "Hey, we don't want another fight now" he chuckled. They've fought before, Techno always won. "You are such an annoying pig", "Says the Teletubby" Shroud said turning to him. "Mind your own business freshman" Dream barked at him. "Dream, your needed in the cafeteria" Tubbo called from behind him, defusing the situation in a heart beat.

It worked, he left without saying a word. Just a groan of annoyance. "Thanks Tubbo", "No problem Wil!" Earning a thumbs up from the bee boy. His group having small conversations.

Thought something bothered Wilbur, "Have you guys made any friends?", "I did!" Clementine threw her arm up causing a light laughter. Then landing her arm on top of Shroud's head. "I mean my friends from last year are here" He shrugged looking at Tommy who was picking the skin around his nail. "How about you Tommy?", "Huh?" He clearly wasn't listening. "Made any new friends?", "Or even tried at all?" The girl added onto Techno's question. "Don't know" He went back to picking the skin however someone gently pulled his hands away from each other.

Tommy looks at the person who pulled his hands away, taking a step away from them. Ranboo stood awkwardly with a smile. It didn't settle right for Tommy so he ignored him. "Tommy are you okay?" Shroud finally asked, both of the older siblings stopped their conversation to listen. "I'm fine" Tommy turned away just staring at a wall. "Bullshit" Clementine spat. "Your opinion" Tommy smirked, his signature smirk. "I'm just fucking with you guys!" Then started laughing. "Oh you!" Clementine couldn't help but laugh. Shroud joined the two of course.

Soon they had to split, leaving Tommy with his group. He was dead silent. "What happened to loud Tommy?" Purpled teased leaning onto his shoulder. He shrugged, it wasn't like he was forcing himself not to answer. Just didn't wanna talk, Techno, and Wilbur went through the same phase. Why couldn't he?

But they set off to somewhere in the school, the three talked while Tommy fought himself in his head. Nothing about anything just small intrusive thoughts. Until he was being shoved into a row of lockers. The pain didn't bother him so he continued walking as if nothing happened. Falling greatly behind the group noticed turning around, stopping when they saw the two seniors. "Leave the freshman alone" Tubbo hissed walking over to Tommy. "What were just messing with him, ain't that right" however Tommy was still walking having been stopped by Ranboo they thought he might just run into a wall. "Clearly out of it" Purpled answered. "Go on, go bother Techno or Dream" the two laughed. "Yeah right" but they ended up walking away.

Tubbo sighs going back to Tommy, who was staring at the ground drifting is space. "Tommy?" He snaps his fingers. "Huh?" He said, his head looking at Ranboo's arms that were stopping him from moving. "What happened?", "You were pushed into lockers and just kept on walking, you good?" Tubbo asked softly. "Fine" he answered twisting out of Ranboo's arms. "We should get a leash for him so he doesn't walk off" Purpled jokes, a joke that made Tommy smile just a tiny bit. "Siblings with the two biggest asshole seniors, what's it like at home?" Purpled asked without think about the question.

Tommy thought for a bit before deciding to answer. "Loud, messy I guess" he could only shrug. Its not like he wanted to answer, he just wanted to take a nap. He'd  barely slept last night. "Your being wobbly" Purpled stated getting closer to Tommy. "Hm" he hummed in response.

Just like that he was out like a light. Softly closing his eyes drifting off to a deep slumber while standing up. "Tommy?" Ranboo asked shaking him a little. "Did he just fall asleep on us?", "He isn't on us thou-", "You know what I meant shut up" Purpled's blurt made Tubbo laugh. Which still didn't wake Tommy. This made Ranboo very concerned. As Purpled elegantly bumped into Tommy, he stumbled as if he was still awake. Yet stood perfectly. "Damn, he's a good standing sleeping person but we really gotta move so, Ranboo you deal with him!" The two ran off before he could protest their decision.

Ranboo didn't know what to do, just stood awkwardly infant of the sleeping person. He soon grabbed his hand and started to slowly walk. Tommy started to follow, so Ranboo slowly made his way to class thankful that it was only on the first floor.

Basically Ranboo walked Tommy to his class, the teacher was quite confused. "Ranboo why are you doing PDA with a student not in this class?" She asked, "He fell asleep and I didn't know how to get him here, he somehow walks...I'm still confused by it. He is a freshman and I don't remember his classes." The teacher only nodded to the confusion. The rest of the class following. So Ranboo sat in the back with Tommy standing creeping behind him. Though the class didn't mind, the teacher was really bother by it. Maybe it was because he was walking.

Soon class was over and Ranboo got out with Tommy faster than expected. He made it outside to the court yard. "He's still asleep?" Purpled asked poking at his puffy face. "Yeah, Ms. Apple didn't mind to much" Tubbo looked absolutely shocked, "Ms. Apple is the biggest homophobe here, you got lucky thinking you weren't dating him" Tubbo ranted a bit more of the teacher. Which soon woke Tommy up but he seemed wary.

Tommy slowly leaned onto Purpled's shoulder. Just sat there, content. "Tommy I'm not a pillow" Purpled hissed attempting to push the boy off. He stayed perfectly still from the attempt. "Huh?!", "Tommy!!!" The group heard. Tommy immediately shot up. "Clemens what's up?" He asked quickly as if he'd been awake the whole time. "We were wondering if you wanted to meet up at the gates after school? I'm hanging out with my friends and Shrouds group has a project they want to do!", "I don't wanna be in your stupid affairs, fuck off!" Tommy laughed. "Your no fun, ya know that?", "Of course! I'm big man Tommy!" They laughed before Clementine and Shroud left together. Tommy went back to laying on Purpled's shoulder. "What the?!" Purpled shuddered out.

Guess Tommy's acting would pass being in the drama club for his whole elementary and secondary school years. "Damn that was top acting" Tubb9 immediately said. Making the other two giggle.

It seems that towing the freshman around didn't suddenly seem that bad.

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