37 5 4

Reviewer: PeterPan2210
Reviewee: _bailies
Story reviewed: The problem with pausing
                              _ _ _
                Overall comments

So I started reviewing this book at like 1 am . Yes, in the morning, yes, two hours away from the witching hour; the time when most humans sleep. And if I shall tell you, the only problem I had with reviewing this book was that I had to pause at the witching hour to get in a wink of sleep. Because I couldn't keep the book down. Call it my love for watching people fall in mud-pools and trenches and then going on an impromptu road trip, but I adored this book. The content is actually very realistic. I'd call it a a satirical take on teen fiction road-trip stories, in other words cliché.

This just might be the most unique idea I've seen anyone have in quite some time. Much applause.
                                 _ _ _


It's a functional cover, the one you're using now. I would like something with more of a 'super-heroic' feel, you know, a little bit dramatic and with a touch of humor. Since they're on a roadtrip too maybe two guys standing in a spandex 'hero' suit pushing a car down the road. (Sound familiar?)


Awesome. Pardon my language, but Awe-Fucking-Some.

It's the right amount of vague, the right amount of revealing, and absolutely intriguing.

Basic Plot:

I can see where it's going. I can see how it might end. And the journey just sounds awesome overall to be completely honest. Although I'm not sure where the 'saving the world' part comes in. But I'm here for it so, yeah.

Reading this book made me realise that maybe I did have a taste for books, you know like people have a taste for certain jams, and my taste is whatever genre and writing style this book belongs to, no exaggeration. It's brilliant.

Grammar + Spelling

I saw some mistakes that I assumed were typos and can be corrected with just a once-over. Skim the chapters once, you should find them easily enough. Otherwise, the grammar mostly was on point.

Structuring/Tone + Tenses + Voice

In certain paras, I felt like the structuring was dwindling, by just a bit though nothing major.

I don't really know where this one point that I wanted to mention would lie in my criteria of review so I'm just gonna say it here. You've missed words that would usually be necessary to make a sentence.

Like for example, in one of your sentences you've written, "Poor Sam's again started to hang off its hinges"

So, um....Sam's what started to hang off of its hinges? Brain? Train of thought? Voice?

I'm pretty sure there's a word missing here and there's a few more of such sentences. I'd like you to make a note of that and be careful while writing. Okay? Cool.

Overall score:

Keep up the good work.

Thank you for choosing me.
Rate this review out of a 5 and if you need any more feedback on any other criterion, ask them and @ me in the inline comments while doing that.

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