Aleksei's friend

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"What are you looking at? Make yourself useful- you know what, go to the library and bring me a book." The demon prince told him.

"What book?" Theo asked.

Aleksei looked at him, moved his hands in a dramatic manor and in a sarcastic tone said "Suprise me."

"Um... Okay?" Theo answered and walked out. Just then he realised he did not exactly know where the library was.

He walked down from the tower ready to ask somebody where it was when he saw someone walk out of a room with big metal door, holding a stack of books. It was a girl who didn't look much older then him. She had long firey red hair and her eyes were as blue as the sea. She had elven ears sticking out of her vibrant hair but aslo wings that looked thin as the softest silk, their colours mixed under the light of candles but when she stepped into a bright light broght from a window  Theo saw they were light peach shade with blue ends. Her clothes were so clean it seemed they were shining, the long white dress that had small flowers sown into it. The top of the dress was covered by a corset that was made of rough fabric with golden details. The fabric was a deep purple with blue patches and white christals sown into it making it look like it was made of stars. Shiny jewlys were sparkling all around her pointy ears and a big necklace with a purple jem stone. She wore a tiara that gracefuly twisted around her head. Her  bare feet also had jewls on them.

Right behind this beautiful creature was another girl. Much more simple but beautiful non the less. She was taller then the other but her posture wasn't the best so she was slighlty hunched. Her black hair hung around her face in a million tiny brades. She had dark brown skin and black eyes. She carried a bag over her shoulder made out of leather and a few books in her arms. She had a scar on her hand shaped like a pentagram and many simple bracelets and necklaces hung around her neck and wrists.

As they exited the large room the dark skinned girl saw Theo staring at them.

"Is there something wrong?" she asked.

"No, sorry, I didn't mean to stare, I was just looking for the library." Theo answered.

The other girl answered this time "It's right in here." she said and pointed at the door they just walked out of.

"Thank you... Um, do you maybe know what book Aleksei would want to read? He send me to get him one." Theo asked.

"Has he killed Trottler?!" the red head asked, sounding ready to kill, her angel like energy disapearing into thin air in a matter of seconds.

"No! God, no, he is just...doing something else I guess, I'm his guard." Theo explained.

"Oh,okay then." she said and calmed down instantly. "I'll help you pick out a book."

They went into the library together, the other girl followed.

"I'm Brigitte by the way, and this is my girlfriend Clarabelle." she said.

"I'm Theo." he said. "You are close friends with Aleksei, right?"

"More of someone who keeps him from burning down the world." Clarabelle said sarcastically.

"Yes we all know he is a handful but he is my friend love." Brigitte said.

"A handful? That is very much too low for him, maybe more of a menec to every living, breathing thing on earth."

"Why do you hate him so much?" Theo asked.

"Because he is a little bitch." Clarabelle answered in less then a second.

"They have their... Comolicated past." Brigitte explained and walked up to a stack of books in the corner of the library.

The library, like every other room in the castle, was covered with thick, deep red carpet and the only light came from unsually bright candles.

Most shelves were black but there were some that stood out. Like a ten feet tall one, made out of redwood covered in plants and book that looked more worn out then any in the library. There was also one right next to that one made out of white marble and right next to that, one that looked as if it was made of glass and filled with water. Then Theo noticed the tags they had, all the black shelves were stacked with neat, well-taken-care-of books, mostly binded in hard materials and very profesional looking, were about demons and demon history. The one made out of redwood was about warlocks and witches, the white marble shelve kept books about vampires, and the glass-like shelve kept books about fair folk.

There was a small section of the librady that was very dark, with books that were chained to stay closed, and a cage around each of them, then another one around the whole shelve.

"What is that all about?" Theo couldn't keep himself from asking.

"It's a private section, only a few people can take those books." Brigitte explained, but seeing that Theo wanted to know more she continued. "I can not tell you what they are about, and don't try asking Aleksei because he won't tell you either."

She then took a book from the bottom of the stack and handed it to him. "Here, it's one of his favourites." she said.

The book title said Elven poetry and the cover was decorated with tiny drawings of water droplets, plants and the moon.

"Thank you for help." he said and smiled.

"Don't mentione it, let's go love." Brigitte said and took the other girl's hand, they took their things and walked out.

Theo could hear them talking something about staying in the demon town for some time, he noted to mentione it to Aleksei when he gets better to see if he wanted to go meet with them.

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