Chapter two - First Day of School

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The next Monday, Marinette went to a Parisian school for the first time ever. Her nerves were quaking as she pushed through the entry doors, subtly so nobody would see her. Marinette went straight to the principle's office with her parents to check in and meet Mr.Damocles. 

"Welcome to the school, Marinette. I have a student, Alya Cesaire who will be taking you for a guided tour around the school and making sure that you have everything situated, okay?" Mr.Damocles handed her a sheet of paper. "Here is your schedule with the room numbers and teachers. Your locker number is at the top of the page. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me, Alya, your teachers, whoever, okay?" Mr.Damocles smiled brightly.

"Alright, Marinette. We'll see you after school, sweetie!" Sabine kissed Marinette on the forehead before leaving the school to go back to the bakery.

"It's nice to meet you, Marinette. I'm Alya, as you've heard from Mr.Damocles. So, where are you from?" Alya gestured for Marinette to follow her as they left the principle's office. She seemed genuinely nice and interested in meeting Marinette. 

"I'm from Dijan", Marinette quietly answered before taking notice of a mob of people crowded around someone.

Alya noticed what Marinette was intrigued by. "Oh, that's Adrien Agreste. It's normal for people to always be crowded around him. Are you a fan?"

"I used to be", Marinette responded without taking her eyes off the crowd.

"Girl, me too. After figuring out who he really was, I completely lost interest", Alya rolled her eyes.

"Wait, what did you find out?" Marinette blinked at Alya.

"That boy has a bigger ego than the Eiffel Tower. He's only been at this school for 3 months, but all I know is that he is a rude person. Not to mention, he's already slept with, like, half the girls at this school", Alya explained.

Marinette's eyebrows furrowed. "And yet, they're still fans of him?"

"I don't know what goes through people's minds sometimes. I guess his beauty and money blinds them from the truth", Alya shrugged before turning her attention back to Marinette and grabbing her hand. "Come on, I have to introduce you to some of my friends!"

------------------- In class -------------------

"Hello, my students! I would like to introduce you to a new student, Marinette Dupain-Cheng! Marinette, would you mind coming to the front of the classroom and telling us about yourself?" Mrs.Bustier exclaimed, gesturing Marinette to join her in front of the class.

Marinette slowly sat up and ambled to the front of the classroom. She tucked a clump of hair behind her ear and held her hands together in shyness. "H-hello. I'm Marinette", she glanced up to the teacher for reassurance. Mrs.Busier nodded and smiled. "I'm from Dijan, France and I just moved here last week."

"Thank you, Marinette. It's nice to meet you. You may sit down, now", Mrs.Bustier smiled before starting the lesson of the day.

Marinette sat down next to Alya and noticed the boy who was seated in front of her, Adrien Agreste. He was sitting next to a boy with a red hat and a blue shirt with headphones around his neck. They didn't look like they were friends, though.

---------------------- At lunch ------------------

Marinette and Alya sat down together along with a few other friends Marinette had met; Mylene, Rose, Juleka, and Alix.

Marinette noticed Alya's gaze was focused on something else in the room, she followed to where her eyes were pointed. Alya was staring at the boy in the red hat that she had seen earlier in class.

"Who's he?" Marinette smirked, leaning towards Alya.

Alya jumped in her seat and turned her attention back to Marinette. "Oh, uh, nobody....?"

The bluenette was about to say something else until she noticed a certain blond boy staring her up and down, smirking. Marinette quickly turned her head around and lowered it until her neck was leveled with the table.

"What's going on?" Alya's eyebrow raised in confusion.

"Adrien. He keeps staring at me", Marinette subtly peaked behind her to check and see if he was still staring, and he was.

Alya sighed roughly. "You're next."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Marinette composed her posture and sat up straight.

"It means, he's interested in you. In your looks. And trust me, you do NOT want to go down that pathway. One thing may lead to another, and then he'll ghost you afterwards. It's a repetitive system that the girls in this school don't seem to get." Alya explained. "He's also VERY used to every single girl saying yes to him. He always gets what he wants."

"Alya's right. I mean, I have never been one of the girls he was interested in, but he's certainly charming enough to convince the girls that he IS interested in to get what he wants", Alix cut into the conversation.

"When he first came, he was in a toxic relationship with that blonde chick over there", Mylene pointed to a blond girl next to a red head. "Chloe Bourgious."

"Yeah they were, like, so toxic. You know?" Juleka mumbled.

"It was so heartbreaking to watch! They would always be in arguments, convincing people to join their side when they disagreed with one another. At other times, you would catch them making out in the locker rooms", Rose rested her head on her hands propped up by her elbows. 

After taking in all these new information, she glanced back at Adrien, just for a moment. She wondered why he was this way. Surely, he wasn't like this his WHOLE life, right? I mean, he always had a adorable smile on his face in those magazines she read when she was younger. And to think after all these years, she was now in the same ROOM as her former idol, figuring out who he really was.

Something had to have happened in between the times that she would obsess over his new magazines to seeing him in school. People don't act out like that for no reason.

---------------------- In the locker room -----------------------

Before going home from her first day of school, Marinette stopped at her locker to put her books away and gather her items before taking off. As she was about to shut her locker, she saw someone come up behind her and shut the locker for her.

Marinette glanced back to see Adrien Agreste leaning over her. "You're so tiny compared to me", he laughed.

Marinette's eyes wandered around the room, there was no one in sight. "What do you want?" she hesitated to say.

Adrien was taken aback by her response. "Isn't it obvious what I want?"

Marinette looked puzzled. "Do you think I care about what you want?"

Adrien scoffed with a hint of laughter. "Do you know who I am?"

Marinette folded her arms. "Adrien Agreste. Is that supposed to excuse you or something?"

Adrien licked his upper lip and leaned back, jamming his fists into his front pockets. "You know, even though I barely know you and this has been a very short conversation, I can't stand you already."

Marinette took a step forward, glaring at Adrien. "Feeling's mutual. Got to go", Marinette swept passed him, leaving the locker room in a rush.

Hope you enjoyed the chapterrrrr :P

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