The Steps to Success

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Abandoned faces and unwavering races
Time is ticking, rushing past.
Dark mornings, cold and wet
Pace yourself, you've almost made it.

Recognise the route and
Every day.
Watch the sleeping people hustle past.
Like herds of sheep in a trance.
But thousands have paved the way.

Hushed. Their voices are quiet but if you listen closely,
You'll hear the whispers of the wind
a melody.
Like music to your ears.
And for a moment you'll be free.

But as you Take the same steps through the stretched corridor,
Grey and blue.
You wonder if this is it or is there more?

Programmed to walk the pattern that many have followed before.
A software, a slave, a painted face.
And in the end you'll question,
Was it really worth the race?

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