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+ 1 1/2 YEARS LATER.


With Kentrell 'death' breaking Kayla's heart, she hasn't moved on. Something was telling her not too, she was still wearing the ring he gave her.

It was like it was attached on, she couldn't take it off even if she tried.

Kayla never told the police that her father killed, Kentrell. She had too much pride to snitch.

For Kayla's father he took over Kentrell's business and has become the biggest drug lord in the UK and United States Of America. He killed KD, Joe because he was just using them to get to Kentrell.

Since he is now 'Killed' he didn't need or want them no more. And for three he's been around trying to cope. He didn't take kentrell's 'death' easy aswell.

He was acting like he was married to Kentrell not Kayla, even though he wanted that to happen.

Ben had his child with his girl. He doesn't see her often from the long distance but he didn't mind because he was focusing on something else.

Carmen and Corey had their child but they haven't been in contact for a while which was strange but could understand from the long distance since they were still in London.

The twins are now 2 years old and act like 6 year olds. Kacey scar is now full and noticeable but his hair is long so that has been covering it and Kai still doesn't talk a lot but she's getting there.

Kayla hasn't really cared about her son having powers. She was mad, angry and hurt with Kentrell but she always had a heart for forgiveness.

I mean she loved him. She really loved him. She was now 23 and Kentrell would've been 27.

She found out she was pregnant again but sadly lost the baby due to stress of Kentrell death.

She hasn't spoken to her father since the incident and she wasn't planning on too anyways. He kept trying to get in contact with her but she refused.

They moved out of the house and are now living in the hills, further away from people.

"Kacey, Kai Kai come downstairs." She yelled causing the twins to run downstairs.

"Mommy when's daddy coming home?" Kacey asked. Kayla sighed; they've been asking for a while now, and everytime Kayla has to tell a different story.

"Daddy died didn't he?" Kacey whispered making Kayla raise her eyebrows.

"How did you know." She stuttered grabbing his arm to another room so Kai couldn't hear.

"Daddy and me are special that is what he said." Kacey said getting his words out. "Daddy isn't dead mommy."

Kayla looked at his face, eyes closed holding her shoulders.

"He's not dead?"


Kentrell gasped for air as he dragged his body with his feet along the side road walking to Ben's house.

His clothes were full of dry blood, and his airforces that were once white were covered in mud and dirt.

He didn't properly die, but he wasn't properly alive either.He missed his kids so much and especially Kayla. He didn't care if he didn't have the business he was gonna blow it up.

His money was straight, and he was financially stable. "BEN OPEN UP." Kentrell said holding his chest.

"WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO YOU." Ben yelled dragging Kentrell inside the house.

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