Chapter 17

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Agnez silently reprimanded herself as they walked. I should have known he was following us. Rajhani and Rockdog still walked in front of her. Yaalon was a few steps behind and to her left.

They reached the top of the same hill Agnez had stood on a few days earlier looking at the destruction below her and not knowing she was about to encounter an Iyhiri wolf. The trail remained, looking as freshly burnt as it had when she first saw it.

"We're on the east side of Iyhiri. Let's see how far to the west this trail goes," said Agnez.

"Works for me," replied Yaalon.

"No one touch the trail. We don't know how long it keeps burning."

Rajhani nodded in agreement.

"For all we know," Agnez continued, "this trail will take us all the way to the other side of Iyhiri. Why don't we find something to eat and then head out.

"There's a little pond over that hill there," Yaalon said pointing. "I can catch us some fish. I'm sure Rock would like something to eat, too," he said, looking down at Rockdog and patting the top of the wolf's head.

Agnez's stomach grumbled as she remembered the savory aroma of the last fish Yaalon caught and cooked. "Good idea," she said. "Come on, Ra. You're in for a good meal."


Yaalon walked out of the pond holding four duzo fish. "They look small," he said, "but they are almost all meat."

Rajhani had started a fire while Yaalon was in the water. Rockdog was laying on his side sniffing at the air, ears perked up, as he rested. She put her hand out toward Yaalon, palm up, indicating that she wanted him to hand her the fish.

"I can cook them, Ra," Yaalon said.

"I'd like to cook them. If you don't mind," Rajhani replied quietly.

"Sure," Yaalon said, handing the fish to Rajhani and glancing over at Agnez.

"Ra?" Agnez said. "Are you okay? You've been pretty quiet."

"I'm fine."

"Little sister," Agnez said, "I can tell when something is wrong. I've known you your whole life."

Rajhani let out a sigh as a tear streamed down her face.

"Oh, Ra," Agnez said as she jumped up and ran over to her sister. "Talk to me."

Yaalon sat down next to Rajhani. "Cyran?" he asked.

Rajhani nodded as she used the knife she took from Cyran to clean the scales from the fish.

"Let me do that," said Agnez, reaching for the fish.

Rajhani shook her head. "I need to be doing something to take my mind off it."

"Do you want to talk about it?" asked Yaalon.

Rajhani let out a long, deep sigh. "I don't know. In the last few days, my whole life has been turned upside down. I thought Cyran loved me. I loved him. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about him, Agnez."

"I'm sorry I didn't know he was following us."

"It's okay. He was always one of the stealthiest trackers in the village. He could sneak up on anything."

"Well, even the wolf didn't pick up his scent. Not sure how he managed that," said Yaalon.

Rajhani finished cleaning the fish and set them on a rock next to the fire. Rockdog picked up his head and looked at the fish, drooling.

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