Penny's World

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I wake up in the morning at about the same time each day. My brother Luke is usually still asleep, so I sneak out of bed with my pillow and whack him one. It takes several whacks, but he finally wakes up and yells at me, but I've already escaped to find Mommy and Daddy.

When I come out into the sitting room, I find them sitting together on the couch drinking coffee, their arms wrapped around each other. I watch quietly for a while, as they stare into each other's eyes, not saying anything, but I can tell they are talking; just without words. Daddy tells me this is what people do when they find someone they love, they just want to look at them forever. I like that my parents love each other, it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Just as I am about to go out and give them their good morning hug, Luke comes up behind me and scares me, making me whack him with the pillow again. I can see Daddy rolling his eyes, which means he thinks we're silly.

"Come on you two, break it up." Mommy says, and she is already dressed for work in her uniform, the com on her chest shining brightly. I remember she let me polish it last night before bed, and I feel proud to have done something for her. I run to the safety of her arms, away from Luke who has a pillow in each hand.

"Mom, she hit me with a pillow first though." Luke complains before Daddy scoops him up, tapping him on the nose. That means he wants my brother to listen to what he's going to say.
"Your sister has every right to whack you if you are late getting up. Get used to it, when you have a girlfriend or are married, your girl will whack you for getting up late too." Luke still looks mad.
"But Dad, it will be years before I start liking girls." I can see Mommy trying to hide her smile, and I giggle softly. Daddy is holding back a chuckle, and I can see his eyes sparkling which means he thinks it's funny too. He ruffles Luke's brown hair and answers in a stern voice;

"Well then,we will just have to have a family pillow fight to even the score, how does that sound?" I clap my hands in excitement, and even Luke looks happy again.

"Really Adam, you're no better then they are." Mommy says, smiling at Daddy. Daddy shrugs, leaning over to whisper in her ear, but I can still hear what they're saying.

"Don't tell me you wouldn't love to smack me in the face with a nice, fat pillow Natasha." I giggle. Mommy hates being called by her full name, and Daddy only uses it when he's teasing her. Mommy's blue eyes widen, and she taps his nose.

"Oh, you're on Mr. Wilson." Oh dear, now they're both doing it. I think they have forgotten about Luke and me. Luke rolls his eyes and pats Daddy's chest.

"Hey, can we have breakfast before we go to school?" My typical brother. He's just like Daddy, always wanting to eat or sleep or tease someone. Mommy's gaze turns back to me, and she stands up.

"Luke, we're not going to starve you. Go get dressed and I will get you something from the replicator." Luke bounces off the couch, and into our room. I follow, but I stop to watch Daddy give Mommy a sweet kiss before she goes to make our breakfast. Smiling, I walk into our bedroom, and get hit in the face with a shirt.

"Luke!" I yell, dodging his swimming shorts. "Stop throwing your clothes around!"
"I can't find my favorite shirt." He complains, tossing all the stuff onto my bed. I'm only seven, but this is very annoying. I pick up a dark blue shirt that has the words: Back to the Future printed on it in bright orange. I sigh, and say;

"Luke, you threw it over here." He turns around and snatches it from my hands, ripping his pajama shirt off at almost the same time. I turn away before he takes any more of his clothing off. Boys are so gross sometimes. Five minutes later, I'm dressed and sitting at the table eating eggs and bacon, which is my favorite. Mommy comes over and gives me a kiss on the cheek saying;

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2022 ⏰

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