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Nothing in this world is worth my time except for money, status, and power.

Until she found me.. in my most out of sorts survival. She turned a gray scale picture into a warm setting that I never thought was possible.

Yet I refuse to let my guard down.

"Pwede pa-share ng libro? Naiwan 'ko sa'kin."

Our first interaction wasn't as memorable as I thought so too. Although I can sense how careful she was while talking to me, I still found it annoying. Irritating.

In my mind, I call her a bother. I don't recall her name anyway, so I come up with my own and based all of it to how she reveals herself to others. It's only the third week of June and she's already acting like an irresponsible student who forgets to bring their book?

"Tapos na ako, ikaw?" she asks softly. I didn't answer and instead, I flipped the page. "Ay, okay. Thank you."


When she's with her friends, she's loud. But not as loud as she is every time she sees me. She don't tell jokes with her friends while she does to me.

It's the first week of July when this lame jokes started. I'll enter the class in peace then Bother comes to ruin it. As I sit back and put down my bag, she sat on her chair looking so excited.

"Knock knock!"

I sighed deeply. She's such a bother. If only I can slap her on the face and yell at her and curse at her, I would. But I have to live a low profile. For now.

I nodded, accepting defeat. "Who's there?"

"Silver swan!"

"Silver swan who?"

"My mama don't like you, but she likes silver swan~" Bother suddenly sang.

She was waiting for a reaction but I don't even know what she was singing. Am I supposed to sing along or guess the song? I don't know that song.

She rolled her eyes and waved her hand, as if a fly just flew right on her face. "Iba na lang! Ito, ito. Knock knock!"

I should've just faked the first knock knock. Maybe then she'll stop. God, she's such a bother.

"Who's there?"

"Not your dad!" she laughed hysterically.

I don't see the connection of her jokes but it triggered me. My fists crumpled and I don't plan on hiding that from her. She's still laughing and the last thing I'd want to do with her is smack her face.

"I'm an orphan," her jaw dropped.

Even her friends, who aren't even listenjng to her jokes and was busy chitchatting with the people behind us, suddenly turned to look at me almost looking like they're wearing the scream mask. "Thanks for reminding me."

"Gago 'to si Gen!" a girl, that has quite a deep voice for a female to acquire, said.

Then a girl with high pitched voice poked her shoulder, "Girl. Mag sorry ka sa seatmate mo. Hindi ka na papa-kopyahin niyan."

Gen or whatever her name is was still in shock. "S-sorry.."

I only wanted to ruin her day. To make her look bad. To make her feel guilty. To overthink her actions and hate herself for it. Blame herself for hurting a person. That's only the main reason why I said that.

What are the Odds? (Village Series #1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon