Her Raven, Able

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This will now follow the show on Netflix with some twists and edits. I do not own Black Butler.

I walked around the garden and picked some flowers and white roses. I looked up at the sky as a blue bird flew by. "Beautiful day, is it not?" I hear someone asked and turned to see Sebastian. "Yes very. Reminds me of playing tag with Ciel. Of course I would allow him to win most of the time. It was always worth it to see his smile each time. And I'm rambling again." I said and giggled softly, looking down.

"I don't mind, Ella. It is very pleasing to hear that you have a close relationship to the young master. Ever since the fire, he just kind of pushes everyone away." He said as we started walking back in. "He was pretty young then, I don't blame him for isolating himself." I said softly and found a vase. "I did that in school. For the rest of my last year, knowing that Ciel was alive kept me going." I said softly.

I filled the vase and carefully placed the flowers in. "You don't have to be alone anymore now, Ella." Sebastian said and grabbed one of my yellow lillies and placed it in my hair. I went to say something when the bell to the study wrung. "Excuse me, Ella. But I must attend to my duty." He said and put his hand on his chest with a smile and walked out.

I lifted my hand up to the delicate flower and smiled. I looked at the table of food as Bard, Finnian, and Mayrin. "Hey, you three. What's going on?" I asked, startling them a bit. "We're going to prove Sebastian that we can do things on our own." Bard said as I giggled a bit.

"Well, just don't do anything wrong." I said and walked out, waving to them. I walked up the stairs, hoping up them like hopscotch. I bumped into someone and almost tumbled back down if it wasn't for their quick thinking as they wrapped a hand around my back. My feet on the edge of the top step.

"My, that would've been a nasty fall, now wouldn't it, Ella?" Sebastian said with a smile. He lifted me up and placed me on the floor away from the stairs. "Thanks, Sebastian, but it wouldn't be the first time." I said with a giggle. I walked towards the study to see Ciel standing by the window.

"Man, I truly missed you growing up, huh?" I asked, startling him a bit. I giggled softly and walked over. "I could say the same. You look more like mother than ever." He said as I smiled. "I'll take that as a compliment. I see you kept the yellow lilly garden." I said with a smile and touched the rose in my hair again.

"Of course, it is your favorite flower after all." He said with a smile and walked over to the desk and continued paper work. "Awe, you remembered." I said with a bright smile. "Would it be okay if I hung around Sebastian? I'm a little curious how he hides the fact he's a demon from the other three." I said and leaned on the desk.

"Or is it the fact that he put the flower in your hair?" He asked with a small smirk as I blushed a bit. "Think whatever you want, Ciel. I'll catch you later, alright?" I asked with a smile and ran before sliding down the tailing of the stairs. I landed and ran over to Sebastian as he seemed to be scolding the three accidental trouble makers.

I looked at Tanaka's cup of hot tea and smiled. "If I may, Sebastian, I have a idea on how to help before the guest arrives." I said with as he looked at me. "Oh, please do tell." He said as I walked over to stand next to him. "Here's what we'll do." I said and started to explain to them.

Time Skip

We stood outside as a carriage pulled up while Sebastian opened the door for our guest to walk out. Tanaka showed our guest in as the three let out a breath of relief. "We actually did it." Bard said as he wiped his forehead. "Who would've thought a dozen boxes of gravel could turn into an amazing garden?!" Finnian asked as I giggled a bit. "Nice thinking, Ella. I will meet you inside." Sebastian said with a smile.

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