After the war

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Location: South Korea
Date: March 25, 2098

On Earth war spread out between all of Asia and the USA. Men were drafted into the war some were young as 15. A lot of people expected this war to last forever, but little did they know two brothers could make a difference. The eldest was 19, 6ft 6in, and was kind of loud when he wanted to be. He has brown hair, grey eyes, tan skin, and was muscular. The youngest was 17, 6ft 5in, and was less talkative. He has brown hair, blue eyes, tan skin, and has a swimmers body.

Right now they're in a war in Korea trying to stay alive. In the cargo zone millions of soldiers gathered around in groups getting their tasks. The two brothers were never separated from each other. Not a single battle was lost because of them. They were in a group of four but their whole squadron was roughly about 500.

"Alright men we all have orders. Stick to them and you'll see next week. Now get into your groups and prepare for a fast hell drop. Darim and Josh lead your group to your pod and get your orders at the base camp bellow. Give em' hell boys." Sargent Rick said to his best trained men.

The two brothers nodded and got their group. Richard who is a friend of theirs was a little smaller than them, but was great with battle strategies and hacking. Nick is the silent one never talks and is deadly with knives and pistols. Never play that stupid game where you have a knife and stab the open spaces between your fingers. They jogged to their pod which will get launched out of the aircraft they're in. It's a white escape pod and that's what it does. It gets launched out of aircraft and lands on the surface. It has space for four people and that's it.

"You guys ready to win this thing?" Richard smirked.

"Dude you really shouldn't drink before you go to battle man. It makes you smell and it's stupid." Nick rolled his eyes.

"You two need to shut the hell up and stay on task. We came here for a reason and that's to protect our country and serve it." Josh rubbed his head like he had a headache.

"Hey Darim you haven't been talking much. What's on your mind?" Nick asked.

"He's just thinking about his girl back home that's it." At the sound of that Darim blushed a little and hit Josh's arm.

"I'm thinking about the mission. If I don't i'll wind up dead and then I won't keep my promise. Stay on mission and everyone else will survive." Darim didn't show any expression after that.

Then the pod was shot out of the belly of the Pegasus. The plane was taking damage and might explode, but Darim didn't care right at that second. Everyone was wearing the standard Marines uniform, but for his squadron they wore something different. They were wearing a black shirt, grey cargo pants, black combat boots, and black bullet proof vest. Their strategy was to blend in with the citizens that's why they never showed up with a gun on them. As usual it would always work no one suspected a thing.

"Darim what's the mission?" Richard asked.

"To not get killed." He smiled.

"What he means is will get our mission when we reach the base camp." Josh glared at him.

Then the Pegasus blew up and Darim really got mad. That place had been through a lot. They reached the ground with a small thud. The hatch opened and they jogged to the base camp which was small.

"Wolf Legion ready to get orders." Darim saluted.

"Go to the East and blow up their weapon supplies along the way to a huge nuclear war head factory. Anyone who is of political power arrest them and then leave them. Once you kill every sun of a bitch we can send troops safely to the center of the city."

Darim nodded his head and ran with his group. They ran like they were running from danger and the enemy bought it. They snuck up behind a patrol group and silently killed them by cracking their necks. They took their guns, ammo, and other supplies. They made their way up East killing every enemy that pointed their guns on them. Troops slowly came up the path they cleared and then the two brothers group joined the front lines. Help killing and arresting people who were important.

After a couple of hours they made it to the border of North Korea. Darim saw a couple of people he knew die. He never talks about it and neither does anyone. They waited in camps for more orders. Either push ahead or wait. Either way they will take Korea tomorrow, next week, month, year, or three years.

"Sir." A young man probably 16 saluted Darim at the door.

Darim didn't say anything he nodded for the kid to say something. Josh came over and smiled.

"Eddies kid. My brother doesn't talk much." Josh patted his shoulder.

"Is it true someone cut out his tongue?" The soldier asked a little disgusted.

"No it's not, now what business do you have here?" Darim glared at him.

"Your team can go back home for five months if you want. Sir, theirs a car that will take you to the plane waiting at the gate near HQ." The kid saluted and left.

"You need to be more happy." Josh went to his bunk.

"Richards." Darim called.

"Yes?" He poked his head out from a corner of the room.

"Pack your things we're going home." Darim smiled.

"YES! SWEET HOME ALABAMA!" Richard danced around with a smile on his face.

"Josh get ready. We all know you take forever." Richard flung Josh's bag at him.

"Yeah yeah shut up dog." Josh got up and started packing.

Darim was packing up and listening to Josh singing "Sweet Home Alabama" by some dude he forgot. He started humming while packing. A couple minutes later he was all set and went to HQ. He saw something he couldn't believe. His old mentor Colonel Graf.

"Surprise you're still alive old timer." Darim joked around.

"Surprise you don't have a giant body guard with you." Graf smirked.

"Who the hairy gorilla I call a brother. Ah he isn't my body guard much less I'm his." Darim gave his mentor a hug.

"Good to see you kid. You're ready to go home? Graf asked putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Hell yes sir." Darim smiled.

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