Wonboo 💜

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Seungkwan could feel Wonwoo's burning gaze on him as he was mindlessly scrolling through his phone. He frowned a little as he remembered the moment they stepped inside the car after finishing their shoot, Wonwoo was looking at him intently observing all of his moves, even if it was small, yet the sharp eyes were more focused on his plump lips.

He could feel himself getting warm and giddy from the attention. Seungkwan had to bite his inner cheeks to refrain himself from turning pink and getting caught.

And Seungkwan braved himself up a little by taking his eyes away from the phone to meet Wonwoo's beautiful chocolate brown orbs which were already set on him, he cleared his throat and spoke softly with a tiny cute smile stretched on his lips.

"What is it, Wonu hyung?"

Wonwoo's low deep chuckle bounced inside the car as Seungkwan saw the older shake his head while replying, "Nothing kwannie".

Seungkwan didn't remove his eyes from Wonwoo's gaze, he couldn't bring himself to do it. Because it screams fondness and love in them. And he didn't want to look away yet. Thus they stared into each other's eyes.

And just as Seungkwan was about to get lost in Wonwoo's brown orbs, he noticed a very smug smile resting on the older's lips. Shit. Seungkwan cursed himself in his mind and quickly averted his eyes from that guy, who was sitting next to him. He doesn't want to embarrass himself more than this. And he could feel his ears burning hot.

"You two are gross," Soonyoung scoffed from the back seat, loud enough for them to hear. Seems like he was watching all the silent exchanges.

Needless to say, Seungkwan's cheek starts to warm up with a tint of pink.

"No?" Jeonghan starts from behind. "I think you meant 'Cute gross' " teasing him more with a disgustingly sweet voice.

That's it!

Now, his face is on fire thanks to them.

"Hyung!!" Seungkwan whines in a high pitched voice and his two evil hyung's have the nerve to laugh at his misery meanwhile the other one on his side grinning widely. And from the ride back to their dorm Seungkwan didn't even spare a glance at anyone, he gave all the focus to his phone and only.


As soon as, when the four were inside their dorm, Seungkwan ran off towards their bedroom not even caring about his members in the living room, his mind was telling him to lock himself inside the bedroom and never come out to the world outside.

Unfortunately, Wonwoo was fast enough to slip through the door and gripped on Seungkwan's waist carefully pinning the younger one against the wall.

"You forgot something kwannie?" Wonwoo said with a teasing smile which made Seungkwan's brain go short circuit and could hear the heartbeat of his thumping loudly in his ear.

"W-what?" He shuttered out, trying to avoid his gaze not wanting Wonwoo to notice his whole being a complete mess.

Wonwoo cooed at how Seungkwan is getting flustered already without even doing much. He simply brought his forefinger under Seungkwan's chin, lifting it to meet up in his eyes.

"You said you wanted a kiss from me, kwannie?". Wonwoo saw how the younger's face flushed instantly at the mention of a kiss. "Don't you want it?" Wonwoo prompted, leaning forward leaving an inch of gap between their faces.

"I-I didn't think you would take it this serious?" Seungkwan mumbles as he tries to push the older's hard chest but to his vain, he can't find his strength to do so and the height difference is not even helping him in any way.

Wonwoo caught both of Seungkwan's wrists and pinned them above his head with no effort.

"Tell me a day that I didn't take your words seriously, Boo?" Voice going dangerously low as his eyes shifting to the soft lips in front of him

"Hyung-" Wonwoo didn't let the younger speak further, he slotted their lips together in perfect harmony telling how they were made for each other, gently moving his lips in a slow deep kiss instantly melting Seungkwan who began to respond matching his slow pace.

Seungkwan's knees weakened at the insanely slow kiss in which it expressed how much love and affection that it had behind them. He moaned softly at the feeling.

And he entirely lost it when Wonwoo's warm tongue grazed his lips drawing a whimper from him. Finally, Wonwoo took mercy upon him by pulling away all while pressing their forehead together, panting heavily with an ear to ear smile.

Seungkwan couldn't help but smack Wonwoo's chest who began laughing heartily with his signature nose scrunch, seeing this he giggled along with his so-called boyfriend.

"As much as I don't want to ruin that you love birds just sucked each other's faces, the members are waiting to order food for dinner so move over your asses to the living room now." Soonyoung finishes what he wanted to remind the couple, only his head poking inside through the crack of the door.

"Good God. Yah! Can't you knock on the door like a human being?" Wonwoo held his chest and breathed heavily, meanwhile, Seungkwan already shrieked in horror at the sudden new voice.

Soonyoung deadpanned. "I did it decently 3 times for your information. Well, you both were busy with this." Demonstrating it by puckering his lips showing what the couple was doing a few minutes ago and quickly getting out of the bedroom before the couple could throw something at him.

For the nth time, Seungkwan's face flushed into a deep rosy colour and hid it behind his lover's broad shoulder while silently screaming. Wonwoo eventually brought Seungkwan into his strong arms even though his body shook from struggling to suppress the laugh trying to leave.

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