Live in your Present and get over your past!

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"Despite shedding tears on your mistakes learn from those mistakes. Despite making your past a cemetery for you, learn to make it your school. We all have great life lessons in our own life all we need is a light to throw over them."
Lets begin this chapter with a question and that is "What is past?" For me past is something that has gone and only accessible in our memory. We all have something bitter in our past that will never let us grow and cherish our present.
In such cases acceptance is the first step to overcome bitter past. Accept everything that has happened to you, which people have done to you or most probably you have done to yourself. As there is no chance of going back and improving your mistakes but you can still make it better. You must be thinking, how? Let me tell you, at this point you need to understand that your past highly depends upon your present. Things you are doing rightnow will turn into your past a moment later. This is how present works in building our past. It's a very short span or a moment while our past or let me say bitter past it's permanent and will last longer. Maybe, till our last breath.
To deal with this permanent past you need to make your temporary present beautiful, you need to make it worth celebrating or worth remembering. So that when it will turn into your past, you will have something worth remembering.
But at this time of our life, despite focusing on our present we are either hooked up with our past or chasing our future. We often forget that between our past and future there is a moment called present. And undeniably it’s the one where both our past and future depends.
To cherish your present, your life, you need to ask yourself, "If you are already disturbed by your past than why are you spoiling your present? Why are you messing with those moments that will ultimately add up in your past?"
The first rule of getting over past is "LIVE IN YOUR PRESENT". Enjoy the moment you are in. Things that have happened in your past, have been happened. Let them go and turn yourself back to the life someone else is wishing for.
Use your unpleasant experience in a productive way. List out all those things that you have done or have happened to you and that are making you feel bad. Just list out all those things that you think you shouldn’t have in your life. And get over these. Just take a glance at them and think why you get into that? What made you go through this crap due to which you are suffering rightnow? Ask yourself but be careful. Your past can either push you in the ground or it can help you reach the sky.
If you will keep thinking about it, if you will keep crying for it, it will push you in the ground without any change in your life. But if you will stack it below your feet it will help you to raise yourself higher.
I know it’s really hard to do so. But just imagine you are carrying weight on your head or over your shoulder what will it do to you? It will either make your steps slow or it will make you feel tired.
If you want to reach at your destination or to reach at your dream point you need to keep this burden aside. I’ll suggest you to keep it under your feet. Learn from your mistakes and promise yourself to never repeat those mistakes. If you will do so, your past will not be a bad thing anymore. It’ll turn out to be a great teacher. It will teach you all those things which will make your next life beautiful. If you will follow it, in a very short span you will have very beautiful and bright moments covering your painful past.
So, seize at this moment and make it beautiful! Make your moment, the moment which you ever wished to have. Take your first step toward it. Work on yourself, work on your goals on your dreams and try everything to turn your dreams into your reality. To get over your past, take revenge from it and that revenge is "Never repeat those mistakes" Never do those things in your present which will turn out to be very painful as your past.
Despite shedding tears on your mistakes learn from those mistakes. Despite making your past a cemetery for you, learn to make it your school. We all have great life lessons in our own life we just need to throw light over them.
There is no one who can change your life but you. Don’t wait for any Monday, start it today, rightnow. Just take a deep breath and begin to work on yourself.
I am repeating despite carrying your past on your head make it walk with you. Allow it to help you in your present. Let it turn out to be your mentor. The day you will begin living your present, a happy and prosperous life will wait for you.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2021 ⏰

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