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Inside he was the one realizing. The employees here greeted Ana all by name, even in english. How did they know her? It seemed like she was a regular here. It made Rein smile and shake his head. He should've guessed.

Ana was talking to a young man sitting behind the cash register. She turned around and waved him over to her. From his eye, the shop seemed very organized. It smelled like rain as he walked over to them. To both sides of him were giant shelves, filled with plants of all sorts up to the last row. The air felt heavier and Reinhardt could see that there was a door that led to the back and had even more flowers, in all colours of the rainbow.

"This, my dear, is Paul. His father owns this lovely shop", Ana did the introduction. "And this is Reinhardt", she added and leaned against him, once more hooking her arm around his.
Paul's face suddenly lit up, as he seemed to recognize Reinhardt. "Is this the Knight with a black thumb?", he asked and turned back to Ana, excitement on his face.

"Heey", Rein called out and acted offended, before laughing. He couldn't deny it. Usually, plants died within a couple of weeks, had they had the unfortune of coming into his care.

Ana and Paul talked a little more, while Reinhardt gently stroked her back and smiled. It was nice to see Ana so into her passion, discussing watering methods and a very specific plant that, for her, seemed to need a little bit more care than it was receiving. Reinhardt had absolutely no idea what the two were talking about and all the strange names made his head spin.

Eventually, they walked into the back, to the colourful flowers Reinhardt had spotted earlier. Paul accompanied them and suggested a few flowers for Ana to pick from. She ended up picking one of those and another one.

"They'll look lovely in the common room", she said, fully concentrated on the flowers, and then looked up to Reinhardt, beaming. He couldn't help but melt a little inside.

On their way back to the register they came across a table that had a lot of cacti. From delicate and tiny, in even tinier pots, to big with three heads and pink flowers coming out of the top. Reinhardt stopped next to them to adore one of the tinier ones. He usually never told anyone, but despite his big size, he had a soft spot for small things.

Ana looked at him for a moment and then reached for the cactus he was looking at.

"You bought me ice cream so I'll buy you a tiny cactus", she noted. Reinhardt tried to protest, halfheartedly, but Ana didn't want to hear any of it. She just pulled him down and gave him a kiss on his cheek, making him blush. Before he could say another thing she was already at the register. She ended up paying only for the cacti because Reinhardt quickly slapped money in front of Paul. Ana playfully rolled her eyes but smiled.

"We should do this more often", Ana noted softly as the two stepped outside the shop. Reinhardt smiled down on her and agreed. He gave her a kiss on her forehead. ANa closed her eyes and leaned into it.

The two walked back giggling and talking with no end while holding hands. To everyone's surprise, Reinhardt learned how to take care of his little cactus. It lived for many many more years to come. And he took it with him every time Blackwatch and later Overwatch sent them on new missions. It had a special spot right next to his bed, wherever he was. 

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