Shut up

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You went back to el's room when you and hopper were done"are you ok? El asked "I'm fine el I just fell" you said you were laying next to el "what should we do tomorrow? You asked "maybe the pool" el said "yea lets do that" You said, you woke up to el's walkie-talkie "el? El? You there? Mikes voice said "shut up" you said turning it of it was 8 am el woke up too "was that mike? "Yea" you said you got up and got your bag to get changed hopper was in the bathroom "hurry up" you said tiredly "y/n" el said "yea el? "Do you want egos? She asked "sure el" you said "hopper hurry up" you said knocking on the door as you were walking up to el's room you rolled your eyes and went to the bathroom you saw that your sliver necklace was in the counter hopper must have put it there you smiled you put the necklace on and got dressed. You put on some black mascara and a coral blush, you wore a lavender shirt with jean shorts you went out of the bathroom and sat at the table were el was sitting hopper was taking the egos out of the toaster he put three egos on el's Plate and two on mine "papa can we go to the pool? El asked "well you guys need sunscreen if that's the case" he said "please papa" el said "yea please hopper" you said both you and el were giving him a pout with your lips "fine but I'm going with you guys" "yay thanks papa" el said getting up to go change, it was just you and hopper in the kitchen. you you ate one ego and got up to el's room and put on your rings. You changed into a lavender swim suit with a pair of white sandals, el was in a black and yellow swim suit with black exercise shorts. "Hey uh girls you ready? Hopper asked with the door closed el opened the door "we are ready papa" el said you and el got in the hoppers car. Hopper was in black swim trunks and a white shirt, you and el got out and ran to the pool you sat at a tanning chair "el can you put some sunscreen on my back? You asked "yea I can" el said she had some sunscreen on her hand a rubbed it on your back hopper was sitting on the chair just looking around "done" el said can we go in the pool? El asked "yup" you said as you two got up and went to the pool "hey y/n" Liam said "hey Liam" you said quietly Liam was your friend of 2 years you and Liam had kissed once but it meant nothing, you could feel hoppers eyes on you "y/n come on let's go" el said "uh bye Liam" "can we talk when your done? He asked "sure" you said with a smile as el took your arm. You jumped into the pool el jumped in too you and el had been in the pool for an hour "I'm getting tired" you said "me too el said you were walking to the chair to get your towel while el was behind you, you felt a hand on your wrist "hey let go" you said it was Liam "Liam you shit" you said you were walking next to Liam when you got to the chairs "and what do you need kid" hopper said " why do you need to know" Liam said. Hopper got up from the chair "what do you need? He asked "I want to talk to y/n" he said hopper looked at you "well to bad we are leaving" he said as he grabbed you and el and went to the car. "What the hell? You said in a mad tone "I know what that boy wanted y/n" "AND? You said the rest  of the drive was silent you slammed the car door and went inside, el went to her room because she didn't want to hear you guys fighting "I want to go home" you said hopper grabbed your waist and kissed you his hands moved to ass and sat you on the counter he moved his lips too your neck you moaned quietly so el couldn't hear. You moved your hands to his cheeks and cupped them "we should stop" you said with a smile you kissed him one last time and got off the counter you went to the phone "hey mom I'm coming home in like 10 minutes" " ok hun be careful please", " I will love you" you hung up the phone you went to el's room to get your bags "bye el" you said as you we're getting your bags "bye y/n". You went to the kitchen "bye hop" you said with a slight smile he gave you a smile back you got on your bike and went back home

I literally cannot wait for season four anyways ilysm 🤍🤍  OH AND IM GOING TO BE MAKING ANOTHER STRANGER THINGS STORY SO MAKE SURE YOU DONT MISD IT!!

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