Part 4

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Eventually—because they are both far from perfect, and they argue as often as they get along—the two of them have a fight of their own.

Where Bakugou is his own unstoppable force, Shouto has always been every bit the immovable object, and they already have an easy rhythm of bickering back and forth. It's usually just an added layer of sexual tension, the only way Shouto's ever actually flirted with anyone (given that Bakugou is the first person he's ever seduced or been seduced by, period). But Bakugou burns hot on the surface, and Shouto runs warm deep below, and it comes to a head over the stupidest of things.

The end of the first semester is approaching, now only a month away. With it comes the showcase recital for all the first year orchestral students. Things have been picking up for Shouto across all his classes, but most of his time now is spent preparing and practicing his piece. This leaves him less time for other things—like going to shows, bar hopping, and Bakugou.

Shockingly, Bakugou doesn't exactly take well to being lower priority. He's grumpier and more sullen than usual when Shouto has to miss shows in order to study, and his garden variety heckling becomes sharper when Shouto leaves the bar before everyone else because he has to be up early the next day. For Shouto, this results in a strange mix of exasperation, and oddly, fondness. Bakugou is acting annoying as all hell, it's true—but knowing it's because he's irritable over spending less time with Shouto does have a certain ring of satisfaction to it, even if it's just due to blue balls. Plus, the sex, when Shouto does finally have a rare night to spare, is fucking great. 

They've kept up staying over at each other's apartments sometimes. Not every time, not even all that often, but if Shouto doesn't have a morning class, or Bakugou doesn't have an early shift, they stay. Or, not that either of them will admit this, the times the sex is so good that it wipes them of the will to do anything but clean up and laze about after, watching some random shit on a small laptop screen until they both fall asleep.

It's following one of these nights at Shouto's place that he wakes up the next morning feeling groggy and sweaty. The bed is empty, but it isn't unusual for Bakugou to head home before he wakes up. Shouto reaches for his phone to check the time, and promptly has a near-heart attack.


He flings the blankets off, going from mostly asleep to wide awake in the span of three seconds. He has a one-on-one meeting with his advisor that morning, and he somehow slept through his fucking alarm.

Hurriedly, he changes his clothes, hoping the laundered fabric will override any lingering smell of sex. He grabs his keys and his backpack and almost falls over while trying to put on a sock, before he finally makes it out of his bedroom. He stops in the doorway, confused.

"Bakugou?" he asks. "You're still here?"

It's a dumb question, because Bakugou is clearly still there, set up in front of the stove and making breakfast. But it is unexpected to say the least. Bakugou seems to have ditched his shirt from the night before (understandable, considering how gross it had been by the time they were finished) and found a new one.

"Is... is that my shirt?" Shouto asks.

Dumb question number two. It's a dark blue t-shirt with the Frozen title logo on it, that Midoriya and the others had bought Shouto as a joke when he'd started to hang out with them more often. Shouto is more than one hundred percent sure Bakugou doesn't own an exact copy of this t-shirt. So yes, Bakugou raided his closet for something to wear, and now he's making breakfast in Shouto's kitchen in Shouto's Disney shirt and boxers.

Shouto's whole body reacts very weirdly to this visual; his dick wants him to shove Bakugou up against the countertop and make Bakugou cling to him in nothing but that shirt, with his legs around Shouto's waist.

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