secretly in love

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y/n and jordan have secretly been in love with each other for months now, but neither of them knew they liked each other. only jordan's close friends knew how he felt about y/n and only y/n's close friends truly knew how much she liked jordan. jordan and y/n were the bestest of friends. jordan and y/n did everything together and that's why they had such strong feelings for each other, but both of them didn't tell each other for the same reason. they didn't want to ruin their friendship, but one day it all came to a change. all of their close friends had gotten together and schemed a way for their two friends to get together, so they asked mr regal to make a mixed tag team match for them. the main event was scheduled jordan and y/n vs karrion kross and scarlett bordeaux in a falls count anywhere match. karrion and scarlett were the closest with the two, so they wanted to be the ones who pushed their two friends to get together. jordan and y/n finally arrived to the capitol wrestling center and saw that they were scheduled for the main event both were very happy until they saw it was a falls count anywhere match. y/n had never been in one of those so she was a little terrified to say the least. "omg jordan i can't do this, what if i get injured" she asked him. "y/n love, i wouldn't let anything like that happen to you" jordan replied with his cute little smile that he always had on his face. anytime y/n would see his smile she would always be filled with happiness, so she trusted him. "okay, i trust you jordan, but please don't let anything happen to me and i won't let anything happen to you."
their match was set to take place next. y/n, jordan, scarlett, and karrion all waited in the back for the match before theirs to end and as soon as it did scarlett and karrion made their way out to the ring. after their theme song ended, jordan's theme song blasted through the building. y/n and jordan made their way to the ring so the match could begin. as soon as the match had begin, the match began very brutal. jordan and karrion were fighting around ringside and in the crowd where the audience were and karrion was just throwing jordan around. y/n noticed that jordan needed help so she slammed scarlett to the mat and jumped out of the ring to go help her friend. she made her way to karrion and jordan who were now by edge of the balcony to the second row. karrion was about to throw jordan off, but then y/n jumped on karrion's back causing karrion to collapse on the floor and to cause y/n to fall backwards over the railing into the floor area. jordan just regained consciousness and had seen what happened. he saw dozens of referees make their way over to y/n to check if she was okay. luckily she was, but jordan didn't know that. y/n could no longer continue in the match, so the trainers and referees helped her move backstage. jordan was so furious that he went all beast mode on karrion and caused karrion to tap out. after the match jordan, karrion, and scarlett all made their way backstage. karrion had apologized for the accident. luckily jordan forgave him, because he knew that karrion wouldn't ever do that on purpose. karrion and scarlett went back to their locker room, but before they did scarlett said "give us an update on y/n" he could tell that scarlett was concerned and wanted to cry. karrion could tell also by her voice, so hugged her. jordan replied with "i will" and made his way to the trainers room to see y/n. "are you okay y/n i am so sorry i didn't keep my promise, i told you i would protect you and i didn't" jordan told her with sadness in his voice. "hey it's not your fault, accidents happen in this business, luckily i'm okay" she said. jordan was relieved that nothing terrible had happened to her. "why'd you do such a risky move anyways y/n, i was so worried something terrible happened to you" jordan said. "i saw he was about to throw you down and i couldn't let anything bad happen to you, i care too much about you" she said while blushing. jordan began to blush to. jordan made his way over to y/n and sat by her. "thank you for protecting me then y/n" he said chuckling. she began to blush to where it was obvious. "you're welcome jordan, anything for you" now they both began to blush to where it was obvious. silence filled the room and it got a little awkward. they both stood up. "well i'm going to go get out of my gear now, i'll text you when i'm done" y/n said, but as she tried to walk away jordan grabbed her arm and pulled her back which made her go chest first into his chest. with their chests pressed against each other all they could do is look into each other's eyes. jordan leaned down and went in for a slow and passionate kiss. he then pulled away after what seemed like the best 10 seconds of y/n's life. "omg i'm so sorry love, i should've asked you before i decided to-" he was cut off when y/n leaned up and went in for a kiss, but this one had more fire to it. they then had to stop what they were doing because they remembered they had to get out of their ring gear. "i'll come by your locker room after i'm done changing" y/n said. "okay see you later babe" jordan said. "babe?" y/n questioned. "yes, only if you want to be though" y/n turned around and ran back into jordan's arms and kissed him again. "i would love to be your babe" she said giggling.

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