dear diary.

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today, me and George spoke again, as we do everyday. I can't help but think about him. Every time i wake up, he's the first one i go to. not even Nick, even though he lives with me. i love Nick, but George is different, i could talk to him for hours, days, forever. I wish he was here, with me. i belong with him. George makes me feel something no one else does. He's mine. no one else's. I long to meet him, touch him, call him mine. i see him meeting Jack, Niki, Will and more, and i despise it. They shouldn't be even close to him. The things i want to do to them as they look at him, close enough to touch. Fuck them. Fuck everyone. Im going to meet him and show them freaks that he belongs with me. Only talking to me. Always.

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