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The ceremony was at its peak. The music blasting through the speakers, all of those disco vibes, the dhol banging in the whole house was exciting for the slow-lazy souls. Those fun-deprived peasants finally came to know what Pakistani Marriages are really are. The traditional rituals were continued, each having its own specific meaning. Sweets, chocolates, and candies were re and re-stocked. 

             Everyone should be fed with these sweets, No one should be left. The older lady ordered her son.

On the other hand, Aasil's infatuation was killing him. I've come here, Now what! What am I going to do? Back at home, Mother and Father think that I've gone for a break to Europe. They have no idea. She's going to be married to the guy the after tomorrow.  The sun isn't even shining for me anymore. What should I do?

Killing and poisonous thoughts were in his mind. Inadequate schemes taking their place in his already tired mind while he was standing away, looking at the ceremony from far-away.

"Aasil why are you standing away? Come here for the rite." He was called to put on mehndi on the leaf for her and feed her the sweets. He did do it, He fulfilled the ritual with a blank face. Not knowing what is he doing, All he knew was ache and amour. Never-ending love for this girl, who in a day or two will be someone else's. A permanent love of his in this transient world.

Within 3 or 4 hours, the hype died down, and soon the house was immersed in silence with lightings all around. The inhabitants slept but decorations awake, along with Aasil's love. His feelings never sleeping, ever awake. He lit up a cigarette and took a puff.

" You know if mom looks at you doing this," She pointed to cigarette " She's going to send you back."

"I'm not going anywhere without taking what I've come so far for." 

"And may I know, what is this?"

"No, You're not allowed to. In fact yes, I will let you know. A girl from this homeland. A girl with concentration, exactly like you. So beautiful, heavenly eyes, and I don't know. I'm not good at explaining things, I'm no expert at."

"I am getting where you are going, but this isn't possible. Go back." She immediately replied.

"I am not. I let go once, not now," he said with a bitter laugh. " Do you even know what you're saying? I've complied with fate, you should too." Aasil looked at her amusingly.

"Look in my eyes," He said bringing in his direction," Don't you have any sympathy? For me? For you? Ask yourself! Ever thought what are you going to do after being his! Haan? You are insane? Will you be able to give him the love, he needs. Poor lad, You're the one who's the brutal one. You know it too." He pressed a finger to her forehead " You know it too, that deep down you're hurting too."

"I don't care, This is for my parents. I've come too far." She said hanging her head down." And stop these." She again pointed the cigarette." These are hurting you more."

"Not more than you." The last time looked in her eyes and went away, handing her the cigarette.

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