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AN: Co Writer is Shrio Kage from Spacebattles.


All I saw was darkness.

There was no light at the end of the tunnel.

Just absolute darkness.

Is this what awaited us after death, or am I in purgatory?

It's ... quite a letdown, and boring as hell.

Maybe I should go back to how it all started.

There I was walking back home from school.

It was the end of the last day of school and the start of the school holidays.

I had planned to enjoy myself with a game of Hollow Knight, or Minecraft, or even that Fate game, when suddenly, a speeding car appeared from the corner and struck me as I was crossing the street.

Damn driver sped off, leaving me choking on my blood on the ground.

Such a cliche way to go.

To make matters worse, there wasn't anyone around to call for help.

Is this how my life ends?

I half expected to die at a natural old age, surrounded by loving family and friends as I pass on peacefully; ... not to die on the roadside in horrible, agonizing pain.

I begged any god listening to help me ,,, or just to make this pain end.

Yet, it would appear that my prayers fell on deaf ears for it soon started to rain, even when the forcast said that it wasn't going to. Damn bipolar weather.

Today just wasn't my day.

As my vision started to blur, my life started to flash before my eyes.

My childhood ... ah, the happier days of my life.

My family ... sorry for not spending enough time with you, and being a little shit time to time.

My friends ... good friends, indeed ... crap, I only had one or two.

The last thought that crossed my mind as darkness consumed me ... was that it kinda sucked that I won't be able to live my life to the fullest.

[Location: ???]

I don't know how much time has passed since I awoke here in the darkness.

The memories of my previous life kept on replaying in my head as I floated aimlessly in the dark, cold abyss.

For a brief moment, I considered the idea that I was in the real Purgatory; doomed to forever roam the empty abyss along with the other lost souls.

However, I dismissed that idea when I saw that I was the only inhabitant in this place.

Moving my limbs proved futile as I was nothing more than a ball of mass.

It felt cold. So. So. Cold.


Just great.

What else can go wrong?

Ah shit I triggered Murphy didn't I?

My question was soon answered when I caught sight of something moving in the darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2021 ⏰

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