- Prologue -

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The soil beneath me keeps grabbing me, forcing me to stay

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The soil beneath me keeps grabbing me, forcing me to stay. The wind was taunting me. The waves of wind attack me leaving me cold at touch until leaving abruptly causing my blood to rush up to the surface of my skin. That's right... I still have blood in my body... while blood is currently surrounding his.

His eyes bore into mine yet no matter how long we kept this staring contest up, he was winning. Perhaps it's cruel of me to want to win this game but it was fine since I was already climbing up the leader-board for another fun game that I would win. Part of me felt a little pity that his time was up so quickly, after all he was innocent, but so was I. Both of us didn't want this but this is how the game works, you live, you laugh, you cry, you lose hope and finally you shrivel up and die.

The trees swayed back and forth, the sweet sounds of his scream played around in my head bringing a chuckle out of me finally breaking this deafening silence. It was like my vision had blurred when I pierced his skin, when I drew blood from his abdomen. Staring at the blood dripping off of the knife, it hit me. I just did that. I just did that. I just did that.

I killed him in cold blood but I... enjoyed it.

Replaying the scene over and over in my head brought delight and I felt the desire of wanting more. Watching someone die in this manner almost felt pleasant. The way shock had drained all colour away from his face, when he clutched at his wound helplessly and the despair making its way into his eyes as life finally dissipated out of him.

The drug of anger in my body seems to come to an ease as I feel myself sober up and wake up in almost a new manner. I felt different. Almost like a new me came to realise that the light at the end of the tunnel will eventually die out just like all of us. Changing stance, I look at his hopeless eyes once more before making my exit.

I know it wasn't his fault, I know I vowed for revenge and it was finally in my grasp. A new me was reborn in that moment, courageous and fierce as my feet took off.

This will be my game to win one way or another. I'm coming for you.

 I'm coming for you

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Laburnum • Choi YeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now